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From kid’s pullover to mom’s vest

About five or six years ago, I purchased this fleece pullover on sale at Hannah Anderson.  Once it arrived, Joshua wouldn’t wear it, despite the fact that I’d asked him about the colors before ordering.   So it sat until Eli fit into it.  Same response.  It was worn *maybe* twice.  Eli has now long since outgrown the sleeves.  So as I was getting too-small stuff ready for the rag bag or (if not too delapidated) for Salvation Army, I decided this top was just too nice to let go.


  1. So I opened up the sleeves and removed them from the body.
  2. I opened up the side seams.
  3. I cut a slice up the center of the front.
  4. Test fit with the sleeves inserted as side gussets.
  5. Cut one sleeve in half, trim to two rectangles.
  6. Sew new blue gusset into the sides to make the top large enough to go around my body.
  7. I found THE perfect batik in my stash, and used that to finish the armhole openings and the front.
  8. Once it was stitched, I decided it doesn’t need a closure.

Here’s me at the last Frayed Edges in it.and yes, it matches my glasses! And I also happen to have lime green pants (summer weight) and turquoise Ts:


This is how I spliced half a sleeve up the sides to make room for a mom-body (sigh):


And here’s a picture of the vest (on the same floor)


8 Responses to “From kid’s pullover to mom’s vest”

  1. Terri Says:

    Very clever and it looks great on you too!

  2. Mary Ann Littlejohn Says:

    Clever rescue. Looks like this was meant to be.

  3. Gari Says:

    That is wonderful. I have made sweatshirt jackets but not a vest. Looks great.

  4. Maggie in E. Central Illinois Says:

    Incredible! And great colors too! Way to go green!

  5. Deirdre Says:

    Aren’t you the lucky one to have kids who decided that YOU were the one who really needed the shirt – you did a great job with the transformation, I bet you get a lot of opportunity to use this in Maine!
    😀 eirdre

  6. LoieJ Says:


  7. Jacquie Says:

    Creativity, thy name is Sarah! 😉

  8. Nellie Says:

    Cleeeeeever you! And the color blocking looks intended.