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Summer in Maine

There are classics that endure despite the passing of decades and more. Rope swings over lakes in Maine are one them! Last week, I took Joshua and a friend down to Shirttail Point, a “beach” (about 30 feet of muddy bank) on the Megunticook River about 1/2 mile from our house, where they met up with two of the girls from their class. The girls were picnicking, so the boys immediately took to the water and swam out to a rock on a mini-island–the one on the right is mine!

Joshua’s friend knows several of the families whose homes front on the river, including the folks who have a small float/dock and rope swing on the far side. They swam over, asked permission, and proceeded to launch themselves from the tree, over the river and down!

The girls eventually swam over (in the first photo, in the water look for two heads on the way over to the dock; in the second photo, one of the girls is at the rock mid-river), but had the sense to stay closely acquainted with planet Earth, and watched the boys. Remember what it was like to be twelve going on thirteen, the summer before your 7th grade year? Here they are on their way back to Shirttail from the rope swing–the girls are in the water:

Eli doesn’t swim so well, so he had to stay close to Mom…aw shucks! But had fun anyway, and managed to pluck a tree root/branch out of the muck which looks rather like a pteranodon or some mythical creature. I’m hoping to nail it up on our screened porch as art! Pictures anon on that one….

Before we left, some kids came to release two painted turtles they had adopted from the river a while back. Here they are in the box just before release…they were a good 8-10 inches long, and were VERY glad to be released:

Yep…. warm days, cool water, and life is good!

2 Responses to “Summer in Maine”

  1. Simonetta Says:

    Hi Sarah,I am sure that the boys have had a lot of fun :))))
    Compliment your blog is really beautiful!

  2. Sioux Says:

    Wow, Sarah, makes we long for the summer days when we visited Maine. The 4th celebrations with parades and fireworks were always the best.

    Happy Independence Day to you and your family.