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Two Friends::Textile Art — our show!

I’d like to invite any of you within driving distance of Camden, Maine, to visit our textile art show at Camden National Bank, at the corner of Elm and Chestnut streets in Camden (next to the post office, across from the village green). The show will be open for viewing during regular bank hours from July 3 to 31.

My friend Kathy Daniels of Studio in the Woods blog and I will have about a dozen pieces hanging at the bank. Kathy, as regular readers may know, is a talented art quilter from China Village, about 45 minutes up the road from Camden. I met her through Art Quilts Maine (the art quilt chapter of the statewide Pine Tree Quilt guild) and Kate Cutko. She, Kate, Deborah Boschert and I formed a mini-group, the Frayed Edges about a year and a half ago. Kate is still, thank heavens, part of us despite having decamped to Dallas, and we’ve been joined by Hannah Beattie…yeah! To participate in the bank show, you have to have an account there, so that means just the two of us.

Anyway, if you happen to make it to Camden, I’d love to come into town to meet you if I can and give you a “personal tour” of the show #grin#!

Over the next few days I’ll be uploading pictures of some new, smaller works, Kathy’s pieces, and hopefully shots of the show at the bank, so please surf back in to see!

And next year, all of the Frayed Edges are scheduled to have a group show in the Picker Room at the Camden Public Library, which has to be one of the most beautiful libraries and settings in any small town in America. We’ll be participating in Maine’s Year of FiberArt 2007–yeah! Guess we’d better get to work, eh?

3 Responses to “Two Friends::Textile Art — our show!”

  1. Sioux Says:

    Wow, I only wish I could!!

  2. :-D eirdre Says:

    Photos – we want photos! Hope the photo hanging went well!

  3. :-D eirdre Says:

    Of course I meant the Hanging the quilts! (LOL)