Spring is really coming!
So, how do I know (besides the willow and oak twigs flushing yellow, and the maples sporting a tinge of red on the tips)? The Library of course…. you see, it has this South-facing stone wall that gets warmed by the sun:
The old part of the library is the building upstairs. In the mid 90s, they expanded significantly the only place they could: down, under the grassy slope. Here’s the new entrance:
And the Amphitheatre park next to the library which, as you can see, is still quite snowy:
Here’s the view across the street, over the rest of the slope down to Camden harbor:
Well, the readers of Camden know quite well that the crocus at the base of the wall come up about three weeks before any other flowers peek their little green shoots above the ground. Here is what I saw:
And, for a tease:
And last of all, DRUM ROLL PLEASE:
Actual BUDS!!! Soon, true open flowers…woooohoooo! Time to put away the snow stuff!
March 12th, 2009 at 8:02 pm
Great documentation, Sarah. Now if they planted a few snowdrops in that area as well you could have flowers even earlier. I’ve had them bloom during the first thaw after a freeze — as early as Thanksgiving even — then again in the spring. Very determined little bulbs!
March 13th, 2009 at 10:33 am
woo hoo Sarah! when I lived in Wolfville, NS it used to be the crocuses at the Colville’s (yes, THE Alex Coville – noted Canadian artist) house on Main street where the crocuses used to come up first. Once theirs were up, spring was definitely here!
March 13th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
and not a moment too soon. In desperation I put a stone jug of daffodils out on my porch. Alas, the flowers are plastic, but very yellow. That’s real desperation, but at a glance they are very cheering. Thanks for a lovely welcome to spring. Will miss you tomorrow.
March 13th, 2009 at 5:19 pm
I know this spot well. My husband and I have been visiting Maine for the last 16 or so years. We always stop in Camden. Since I’m a librarian, I often stop in to visit Camden’s library. I love the stone benches by the entry.You will have to post a picture of them sometime. The park across the street provides a lovely space to eat lunch and view the harbor. We will be there at the end of June.
March 14th, 2009 at 8:40 am
And I had confirmation here of spring’s imminent arrival when I discovered a lady bug crawling across the bathroom floor!
teri (I think I am going to have to change my route to Nova Scotia this spring so I can stop in and see you!!)
March 14th, 2009 at 7:42 pm
This brought a tear to my eye!!!