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books in the running brooks….

I subscribe to A Word A Day, published by Anu Garg and delivered to your mailbox five days a week.  Each day you get a new word, often esoteric, with definition, the best etymoligies and derivations I’ve ever seen (he takes it back through ancient Greek to Indo-European roots quite often, or Sanskrit or whatever…cool!).  Anyway, he gives the definition, usage in a contemporary text (today’s quotation was from an Aussie newspaper),  and a Thought for today.  I often like the “thought” best of all…here is today’s:

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY (Jan. 20, 2009):
And this our life, exempt from public haunt, / Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, / Sermons in stones, and good in everything. -William Shakespeare, playwright and poet (1564-1616)

You can find Anu’s website at and AWAD here.  It’s free. And interesting!

2 Responses to “books in the running brooks….”

  1. Donna Says:

    Thanks for the word-a-day link. I signed up for it. I used to subscribe to another one but I stopped. After awhile, they were repeating words and I got bored with it. I like the layout of this one and the information they provide. Again, thanks for the link.

  2. Jacquie Says:

    Couldn’t resist signing on to Word a Day. I love word derivations and history — so many have changed meaning over the years! The thoughts for the day (really neat quotations) look good too. Thanks for the link.
