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Joshua is 15

The birthday boy, waking up, waiting for Dad to get up so he can open his gifties….

Waking up

Opening the box…gee…what do I do with it?

A box?

Oh!  Open it…good….a check from Nana!

A check

Next…envelopes…hmmm…what could be in them?

A card….

Hmmm…another card, from Mom and Dad, an annoying one that you have to turn upside down and around and around to read…..but it has a check!

More cards

Now what are those pesky parents of mine doing?

Now what are those pesky parents doing?

AH!   Heaven, also known as pumpkin pie (yes, Joshua vastly prefers his pumpkin pie to cake…..)

Pumpkin pie

The “1” candle is getting shorter….. I bought year candles every year from 1 to 10…now we are recycling them, and as he goes through his teen years, the 1 is getting a lot of use!

And what will Joshua do with those checks?  Well, they were spent before I left the house to give a lecture at 8:30… his old iPod got crushed, then stepped on (in his backpack, on the floor next to his desk at school), so he has a new red iPod nano which is just about permanently attached to his ears.  And here is what he does when he’s NOT listening to music…he makes it:
If you look carefully at the (unmade) bed, and below the (nearly naked) blond girl in bikini, you’ll see my laptop on top of the quilt made from blocks from the quiltart list… I am having a devil of a time getting him to let me take a photo of him with it to share with you all.  If he doesn’t soon, I’ll use the one of him sound asleep on the TOP of his bed, on top of the quilt….. blackmail works?????PS…if anyone knows how to embed youtube videos so that the formatting on my blog stays the same, drop me a note!

3 Responses to “Joshua is 15”

  1. sueeeus Says:

    Happy Birthday to J! Green goes with everything, so I’m sure he’s quite pleased with his gifts. 🙂

  2. TAS Fiberartist Says:

    He is a typical 15 year old. 🙂 LOL Happy Birthday J. He reminds me of mine. LT doesn’t understand my reaction at all !!!!!!!!!! LOL

  3. shawna Says:

    WOW Joshua is great! I loved the video.