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Visitor 100,001

Hey!  A milestone happened last night, and I think it was someone from the
Quiltart list…..    I got the 100,000th visit to my blog!   I thought I’d
do a giftie (a half yard of my hand-dyes probably) for that person, so if
you surfed in to see the two blogposts about Nourish last night and

you are from Tel Aviv, Israel
your ISP is
you surf using firefox on a microsoft windows XP platform
and you visited two blogposts last night,

write and let me know!  Send your snail mail address and I’ll pop an
envelope in the mail…and tell me your favorite color(s) and I’ll see what
I’ve got in the stash!


since it is sometimes hard to catch the correct person when they’ve just been to the site, I will ALSO send a half yard (or two fat quarters) of my hand-dyeds to the FIRST PERSON TO WRITE  to me from  here!   Just use the comment for this post and write to let me know!  (Note from later in the morning:  Mary is the first person to comment, so she wins it… Mary, I sent an e-mail; if you’d like the fabric please reply to my message with your snail mail address! WOOT!)

Cheers, Sarah

7 Responses to “Visitor 100,001”

  1. Mary Says:

    Well, isn’t it fun to have so many visitors–hope you have a wonderful day to celebrate.

  2. Juanita Olson Says:

    Hi Sarah. Congratulations on the winning quilts at the Maine State Fair. Also congratulations on the 100,000 person to visit your blog.

  3. Eileen Metcalf Says:

    I am I lucky today? I always enjoy your blog and how interesting to see that someone from Tel Aviv has won. Isn’t quilting truly international?

  4. Karen Says:

    And I love your 50 ways list…I’m so glad you get polite nods and smiles (I often get blank stares from my family like I’ve lost my mind!)

  5. Kathleen Connors Says:

    Hi Sarah: I’ve just read about your winning quilts (Congratulations!) on quiltart where I’m a devoted reader. I am learning so much from you and all of the talented artists who write and share on quiltart.
    I immediately felt “at home” on your website and blog. Your Hawaiian block on your blog made me say Wow! because of its complexity; I’ve only done one large block, with a pattern, using needleturn applique-your book sounds great for me to learn and do more. Thank you. Kathleen Connors.

  6. Judy Rys Says:

    Hi Sarah:
    I took two photos of your journal quilts in Long Beach. I don’t have your email, contact me if you want me to email them to you.

    Judy Rys

  7. Alice Brown Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    Love your quilts! Your work is amazing and congratulations on your winning quilts. Always enjoy reading & seeing what you have done! Looks like I must be the 100,001 visitor, that’s awesome to have so many visitors!

    Alice Brown