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Spring has sprung

Just a short digression from the Paducah news…. SPRING HAS ARRIVED in Maine! Here’s proof: photos taken while walking the pug-wonderfulness (a.k.a. ‘Widgeon)….

First, the quintessential sign of spring in Maine, the fiddlehead fern. Don’t they look like a family, turned to each other for hugs?


Then, the beginnings of iris (I think that’s what they are) at a neighbor’s house. Wouldn’t that make a great abstract background for a quilt?

The beginnings of iris (I think that’s what they are) at a neighbor’s

Rushing water:

rushing water

And, at LAST, green on the trees! In two weeks, we should be about halfway leafed out!

green leaves unfurl

Daffodils in the sun…. a couple years ago, our neighbor Dave did a major landscaping which I have dubbed the “neighborhood beautification project” since so many of us can see and enjoy results of his major expense. Then the yellow house where the road splits put in a HUGE load of small boulders as retaining wall so she could plant on the tiers… this is one of the treats (the coral bells are on their way out of the ground….)


And up the road a piece, more of the wild fiddleheads, these a bit more unfurledfiddleheads unfurled

–a couple days ago I saw an old guy on the side of the road…looked like he was picking fiddleheads which are often used in salads or sauteed….haven’t tried that yet… I like looking at them too much!

5 Responses to “Spring has sprung”

  1. LoieJ Says:

    I love the new shoots and the spring flowers!!!!! I was so surprise to see that tulips were up a bit and crocus blooming three days after there was snow on the ground. I love little vases with flowers, even tiny vases with tiny bouquets.

    Maybe that is why I like to sew small things best.

  2. Jacquie Says:

    So spring comes to Maine as it does to Vermont! Lovely isn’t it? So many shades of green!

  3. Marie Says:

    Fiddleheads are supposed to make a good soup and a great salad. Very Down East – or at least New Englandish !

  4. betty johnson Says:

    Fiddleheads taste very green. Vinegar helps.

  5. louise in SW Saskatchewan Says:

    Fiddleheads are very yummy!!!

    Just steam them after washing them very well (you want the very curled up ones). Serve with a little lemon juice and butter (much like asparagus). They also are great in quiche.

    I miss getting fresh ones, but McCain’s has frozen ones which will do in a pinch if I start feeling nostalgic for them.