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40th Reunion–San Domenico School

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind!  We took Eli on an official (NCAA) visit to his top choice for college.  He spent a good part of the weekend with the wrestling team, while Paul and I got to have dinner with two dear friends from college (who married each other) and moved to a retirement home 20 miles north of the town where Eli hopes to attend college.  We’ve seen them just the once since about 1981, so it was so wonderful to visit in person.

About 1/3 of the San Domenico School Class of 1975--at a class supper at the Dominican University Campus

About 1/3 of the San Domenico School Class of 1975–at a class supper at the Dominican University Campus–I think it was Monica’s husband who took this photo–thank you!  (I’m in the back row to the right of center, in green)

Then 2 days after getting home from that trip, I headed to California for a San Domenico School Alumni Council Reunion (I’m on it) and my 40th High School Reunion.   When picking the category for this post, I chose Family because that is really what we are.  I was so, So, SOOO incredibly lucky to attend San Domenico School in San Anselmo, California. The school (finally!) turned co-ed in high school this year, admitting boys to 9th grade, as well as Lower School, and that change has revitalized the school and interest in it.  It is both day and boarding, so if you are looking for a superior school I can recommend it without reservation.  Cecily Stock graduated two years after I did; she is now head of school and *my* what an impressive woman she has become.  She is the leader and focal point for a team that is saving one of the best schools in the country.   THANK YOU!

There are two other phenomenal women who were at the Reunion and Dinner, and who had a profound and lasting impact on my life.  I love them both dearly.  The gifts they have given to the school and to the children who attended the school cannot be overstated.  Sister Gervaise is on the left, Sr. Patricia on the right.  Along with the late Sister Maurice who is a towering figure of importance to the school, Sr. Gervaise’s far-thinking mind, gentle spirit and intelligence give us a legacy that is ever-giving.  She has lived on campus and dedicated her life to SD and her students for 50 years.  One of her most cherished possessions is a photo of her when she met the Dalai Lama:  that tells you what amazing, independent, strong, compassionate, tolerant, loving, open-minded women are our Dominican sisters.  Sr. Patricia was our class sponsor/moderator.  She was our “grown up in charge of the Class of ’75.”  Except she was only 23 when we started high school!  We thought she was so old and grown up, and she was so young.  She is ours and we are hers.  Period.  And before I seriously need a kleenex, I’ll just post the picture and say THANK YOU!

Sr. Gervaise and Sr. Patricia announce the Distinguished Alumna for 2015: Hoonae Kim, Class of '75, who has dedicated her life to improving lives in the third world, working for the InterAmerican Development Bank, World Bank and UN. Hoonae ROCKS!

Sr. Gervaise and Sr. Patricia announce the Distinguished Alumna for 2015: Hoonae Kim, Class of ’75, who has dedicated her life to improving lives in the third world, working for the InterAmerican Development Bank, World Bank and UN. Hoonae ROCKS!

Final words:  The Class of ’75 is (in my highly biased opinion) probably the best in the history of the school, and in a biased but well-informed opinion, San Domenico is one of the best private schools in the country.  Thank you Mother for making sure I got in and working to pay my tuition.  I got the best education of my life there:  they taught us to love learning, how to learn, and to love.  It doesn’t get any better. Here’s to getting even more of the Class of ’75 on campus for our 50th!

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