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Foto Friday: the Story

This past week’s challenge in my 52-Week Photo Challenge workshop with Ricky Tims was “The Story.”  My story was that I was really, REALLY busy getting ready to teach at Maine Quilts and helping with set-up (as a Pine Tree Quilt Guild member and volunteer).  So I wasn’t really “in” to the assignment.  Turns out my best photo was one I took during set-up on my iPhone, then edited and converted to B&W at home in Photoshop.

Too busy this week, so feeling not creative.  Decided this shot on my iPhone was my best story!  Smart sharpen, removed the back of a person on the left with cloning, desaturated to render B&W.  Learned that you can use the burn tool on highlights, midtones and darks, so darkened the too-bright/distracting overhead lights as well as adding a gradient to the top.  Slight crop to remove more slats/boards on the very bottom.  Guess what I was doing on Wednesday?  I know some of the class members will guess correctly!

Too busy this week, so feeling not creative. Decided this shot on my iPhone was my best story! Smart sharpen, removed the back of a person on the left with cloning, desaturated to render B&W. Learned that you can use the burn tool on highlights, midtones and darks, so darkened the too-bright/distracting overhead lights as well as adding a gradient to the top. Slight crop to remove more slats/boards on the very bottom. Guess what I was doing on Wednesday? I know some of the class members will guess correctly!

My other two alternates were just meh.  But they certainly tell my story!

It’s messy.  Chaotic.  Not a great photo, more of a snap, but it certainly is my story.  Adjusted levels, smart sharpen, A bit of burn on the corners to give a subtle (I hope) vignette. Wish I had more time this week, but …..  Ooops.  Almost told the story….

It’s messy. Chaotic. Not a great photo, more of a snap, but it certainly is my story. Adjusted levels, smart sharpen, A bit of burn on the corners to give a subtle (I hope) vignette. Wish I had more time this week, but ….. Ooops. Almost told the story….

My story.  Sigh.   Messy.  Chaotic.  Piles.  Heavy equipment.  Smart sharpen, slight vignetting with the burn tool, minor adjustments to contrast, yada yada.   Too busy this week, feeling singularly not-creative.

And the cropped version. My story. Sigh. Messy. Chaotic. Piles. Heavy equipment. Smart sharpen, slight vignetting with the burn tool, minor adjustments to contrast, yada yada. Too busy this week, feeling singularly not-creative.

One Response to “Foto Friday: the Story”

  1. Janis Doucette Says:

    Good shot on the Iphone Sarah!