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Workshops & Calendar

What I’ve been doing…

Well, it has been busy! This post will “publish” on Tuesday while I am winging my way south to teach in Paducah! As usual, life has been insanely hectic. I began getting ready for Paducah. Here is the first round of “stuff” in the crate:

Crate 1

Then, there is another round of “stuff” to pack and take. These things are mostly my teaching binders, a few handouts (most were shipped ahead of time), and my teachers’ samples:

Crate 2

On top of prepping all this stuff, I had to MAKE some new samples (which I’ll show you in a couple of days) to go with the shorter 3-hour format classes Paducah prefers. Then, an opportunity fell into my lap: write a proposal for an art quilt project at the Camden-Rockport Middle School. So in addition to continuing to get mom settled, the regular daily stuff, dog-walking and litter-box-cleaning (not to mention laundry, food and sleep), I wrote up this:


The project would be seven panels. Six panels are 3 feet wide by about 4.5 feet long, with a seventh panel 40 inches wide by 18 inches deep to go over the door in the middle of the 24+ foot wall! The principal LOVES the idea of depicting inspirational people / things from around the world and across time (folks like MLKing, Mandela, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, engineers (a bridge maybe), shipbuilders and explorers, teachers, doctors), and is going to submit the proposal to a local grant-giving group. If a small miracle happens and I get it, it would be a MAJOR commission that would keep me busy the rest of the year!

Thanks to a nice tax refund, I was able to finally get my eyes checked, and will be buying new frames for the first time in 3 years. This is the most likely pair (so far):


Please ignore the dippy expression, fat on my neck, lack of makeup etc….They are a matte black, and I’m leery of black. I had wanted a deep ruby red, turquoise, or plum…. so far no luck, but some new frames coming in soon….. what do you think of these? Are they too stark on my face or OK? I do like the shape…..

I’ll be back online in a few days (well, a new post will come up) with one of the new class samples I made for Paducah AND a book review….

3 Responses to “What I’ve been doing…”

  1. dee Says:

    those glasses look great on you. Hope all goes well in Paducah. Can’t wait to hear all about it and see pics. Safe travels.

  2. Cara Says:

    The glasses look good but if you can pull of something strong like turquiose or ruby red that would be just plain FUN. I wear the rimless, but I like having bright eye makeup so don’t want my frames either hiding it or clashing.

  3. Andee in Wisc Says:

    Congrats on surviving national teaching! WOW! I love the Koi quilt too. This is one Pickle who would have loved Paducah but was too busy recovering from the Chicago show! Perhaps one day we will meet though!