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Archive for November, 2008

Birch Pond

Friday, November 28th, 2008

And yet another piece!  Amazing what happens when you finally dig out from under the mountain of accumulated work…all the stuff that piles up while life is happening!  One of my favorites in the new crop of small art quilt pieces is  Birch Pond:

Birch Pond full

I’ve always loved etchings and woodblock prints (even bought a couple books on woodblock print making, tho I’ll likely never make such a thing…but of course the design ideas and visual techniques can always be applied to different media…like quilts!).  Mary Azarian is one of my favorites, and I got the Shepherd Seed Catalog for years just to see her illustrations.  Alas, I can’t find the latter online….the link for Sheperd’s Seeds automatically switches over to White Flower Farm where there are NO seeds listed…Sob!  Anyway, check out her website…the Farm and Field prints are fancier than what was in the catalog, but in the same vein.

So, looking for something fun and easy to do this summer at Maine Quilts, I was thrilled to see that Laura Wasilowski was teaching her Woodcut Quilts class!   Laura’s website is (with a K…sigh).  As part of the class kit fee, we received some of Laura’s lovely hand dyed fabrics and threads, but of course I had to be me and took my pre-fused stash of batiks (well, a selection). This piece varies somewhat from “true” woodcut quilts because the individual leaves are not edged in black, but I can live with that <grin!>.

Here’s a detail:

Birch Pond Detail

The 14×14 inch quilt is mounted on 21×21 stretcher bars covered with dark blue batik cloth, clean finished and ready to hang.  It is available for sale at Ducktrap Bay Trading Company (gallery here in Camden, Me. — click on the New Work link under the Galleries column for more info).

I had fun in the class… it was low key and easy paced (a bit slow for a kind Type-A sort like me who is quite experienced, but that happens to me a bit too often….I’m to ready and raring to go!), I learned new stuff, Laura is a well-prepared and entertaining teacher and best of all, I now know some of her tricks so I can let what I learned percolate and come out in a quilt in the future.  Yeah!  My own woodblock prints without having to carve the wood (not that I’d mind learning that, either, but there aren’t enough hours in a lifetime already!).  Cheers!

Buoys 1 and 2… new work!

Monday, November 24th, 2008

Amazing… I actually got something done!  The quilted portions of these two pieces, Buoys 1 (Blue) and Buoys 2 (Pink-purple) were made for my local quilt chapter’s 10×10″ challenge.  The challenge was to make a piece based on guild-member Jan P’s husband’s photo.  Dwight’s photo is called Ropes and Buoys, and it was a delight to see the wide range of pieces.  (To see the challenge pieces as displayed at Maine Quilts this past July, click here then scroll nearly halfway down.)  I recently mounted my pieces on batik stretched over stretcher bars (with a base support and batting to make it look good).  They are for sale… directly from me until Wednesday morning then via Ducktrap Bay Trading Company, the local gallery that carries my work.

Here is the Blue Buoys:

Blue Buoys full

and a detail shot which shows the intense quilting and shading with thread:

Blue Buoys detail

I wanted to try doing the buoys in totally-not-realistic colors…the ones in the photo were mostly yellow and orange.  While blue and light blue might be a real combination, I can’t imagine I’d ever see any real buoys that are pink and purple (tho there are women lobstermen (???   that sounds weird, but I am pretty sure that they don’t call themselves lobsterers, maybe lobster fishermen, but that has the guy thing too… ???), but decided to try a really wild color combination to play with value and hue.  Here is Buoys #2 (pink – purple):

Buoys #2 (pink-purple)

And the detail of the pink one:

Buoys #2 (pink-purple) detail

Each piece is 10×10 inches mounted on a 16×16 inch frame (one inch deep); the background fabric  wraps around to the back which is clean finished and ready to hang.  The price for each is $250 plus shipping (if you order from me before Weds., shipping is included, otherwise it will be whatever the gallery charges).

Joshua is 15

Friday, November 21st, 2008

The birthday boy, waking up, waiting for Dad to get up so he can open his gifties….

Waking up

Opening the box…gee…what do I do with it?

A box?

Oh!  Open it…good….a check from Nana!

A check

Next…envelopes…hmmm…what could be in them?

A card….

Hmmm…another card, from Mom and Dad, an annoying one that you have to turn upside down and around and around to read…..but it has a check!

More cards

Now what are those pesky parents of mine doing?

Now what are those pesky parents doing?

AH!   Heaven, also known as pumpkin pie (yes, Joshua vastly prefers his pumpkin pie to cake…..)

Pumpkin pie

The “1” candle is getting shorter….. I bought year candles every year from 1 to 10…now we are recycling them, and as he goes through his teen years, the 1 is getting a lot of use!

And what will Joshua do with those checks?  Well, they were spent before I left the house to give a lecture at 8:30… his old iPod got crushed, then stepped on (in his backpack, on the floor next to his desk at school), so he has a new red iPod nano which is just about permanently attached to his ears.  And here is what he does when he’s NOT listening to music…he makes it:
If you look carefully at the (unmade) bed, and below the (nearly naked) blond girl in bikini, you’ll see my laptop on top of the quilt made from blocks from the quiltart list… I am having a devil of a time getting him to let me take a photo of him with it to share with you all.  If he doesn’t soon, I’ll use the one of him sound asleep on the TOP of his bed, on top of the quilt….. blackmail works?????PS…if anyone knows how to embed youtube videos so that the formatting on my blog stays the same, drop me a note!

The Frayed Edges, November 2008

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Well, we really need Deborah here to remind us to TAKE PICTURES!  Sigh……   I remembered about the lunch food photo… AFTER we ate, so alas this is all you get:

After lunch

Kate has this beautiful hand crafted silverware (hand wash only!) which she brings out for our visits, with the matching scroll napkin rings.  Her son H. did the artwork on the trivet; his school does an (expensive) annual fundraiser where you can pick the product onto which your child’s 8 1/2 x 11 artwork is printed (size is reduced but proportions stay the same I think).  Kate chose the tile, then had a friend make the wooden holder to turn it into a trivet.  Wonderful!

The lunch menu:  Corn chowder (me, recipe from Martha Stewart’s Sept. 2007 issue of Living….I’d skip the cayenne, cumin and coriander next time, but loved the cheddar and the bacon –I added the latter), baby organic spinach greens (which we picked from the field next door…the farmers had already harvested, so neighbors can now go in and cull from the still-growing roots…..yum…but why didn’t I take a picture???? where was my head?), and Kathy brought these delectable (Sorry Deborah….we ate them with you in mind…since she introduced us to them) molten lava cakes…chocolate, with a gooey, yummy hot “lava” center of chocolate (if you have a Hannaford store, look for the On The Go Bistro or Hannaford Inspirations line in the frozen food section).  Best of all, they are only 300 or so calories, so it is a decadent treat that doesn’t use up an entire day’s worth of calories.

We shared a few things… my loot from Houston, Kathy’s in progress piece (glorious as always, for the Art Quilts Maine black-white-plus one other color challenge…. Kath picked blue), and some Ikea fabric Kate bought to make cushions for the Bowdoinham library kids’ area:

Ikea fabric

Kate had been to NYC on business, and she and her business partner in Adoption Day Cards snuck in a stop at the Ikea south of Boston (about 6 hours away from me! boohooo….. I wish it were closer).  I think Bowdoinham is very lucky to have Kate as their new librarian!   Here’s the other fabric… Kate has a totebag made from this one that I have loved… it would do well in the black-white-plus one challenge… Kate of course thought leaf green, I thought vivid cranberry……(and sorry about that triangle of bright sunlight in the center bottom!)

Ikea fabric 2

And on the way home, I got gas for 2.15 a gallon.  This guy was perched on the top of the building as the sun began to set:

seagull on roof

He stood there on one foot the entire time I was filling my tank…

That’s it for now….. off to Boston as soon as I finish writing this, and by the time it “publishes” I’ll be on my way home.  Giving a lecture for the Bead Designers International group… gonna be fun!

Bird in the Woods

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

So am I the only one, or are other folks trying to get their holiday shopping done EARLY!?   I have two new pieces that I’ve just (finally!) uploaded onto my website, but wanted to share them here, also.  The first is a modestly priced art quilt postcard mounted on a mixed media canvas, Bird in the Woods:Bird In the Woods

The price is $60 (includes shipping by US Mail, within the US, write for other shipping options).  This began as just a canvas…at one of our Frayed Edges meetings.   Rather than simply create a silhouette of something and paint over a plain piece of cloth (Hannah was jazzed by a project on Martha Stewart), I decided to get clever and stretch strips of multicolored cloth over the canvas frame before slathering with Mod Podge (or was it Gel Medium?  same result….), letting it dry, then using torn masking tape to make the trees.  Well… I wasn’t so thrilled with the result:

canvas, before postcard

It’s OK, but no great shakes.  So I thought I’d just cover it all up with batting, fabric, and mount a postcard.  I tossed a lovely card Deborah Boschert had sent to me a few years back–yellow with a red bird, and Presto…. I  decided I’d make my OWN (very different) bird in fabrics because it looked great (except for the fact that her bird was red and the fabric is magenta…shudder!  color change necessary, but the idea worked).  SO, I rooted through my stash, made up a quick bird postcard (inspired by my Batiki bird, which you can read about here), and got to work.  I hope you like it!

I’ll share the next piece in a few days… I also want to blog about Houston before it is ancient memories.  AND, I need to dash out, walk the dog, and meet Mom for lunch…. toodles, and back soon, Sarah