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Home Improvement–from Dungeon to Mo’ Bettah!

Monday, July 16th, 2012

In addition to being busy with stuff, errands, making step-outs for  a demo-lecture and whatnot, I took some time to spruce up the basement.  Long time readers may (dimly) recall that I posted when we moved in early in 2011 about the unfortunate colors and finish (or lack thereof) in the basement.

When you go down the steps from the main level (there is just an unfinished attic, ground floor, and basement in this house), you enter a “room” with several smaller spaces walled off on three sides of the “center” area.  One currently serves as storage, one for the utilities (water heater, water pump, water filter, furnace, heating oil tank, electric panel), one is a sort of storage and workroom (the previous owner kept tools and building stuff in here), a wood room which stores a winter’s worth of wood to heat the house, and the two rooms that were joined to become one large studio for me (if you put State of the Studio in the search box those posts will turn up).

Here are the “before” photos of the center area:

Shortly after moving in…the dark brown in my studio (beyond the doors) had already been covered by soft cream. The entrance, however, was still an open hole with some raw drywall edges with “roasted pumpkin” paint used in the remainder of the center part of the basement.

And part of the area on the right, with that icky-for-a-basement pumpkin and the large green hot tub. A hot tub in a basement area with NO windows? Getting it out was almost impossible–they must have taken it down before finishing the stairs–it was like popping a cork out a small hole, except the “hole” was the entire staircase up, and required removing door trim etc. to get the extra inch needed to get it out without cutting it into parts….

When we moved in and worked on my studio, I had the painter also spray primer/white on the ceiling of the center area, making it much less gloomy.  Last summer, our builder added the doors to my studio, and baseboard and door trim to all the doors to those little rooms.  I then painted over the pumpkin in August of last year with a lovely sky blue.

Doors to my studio installed

Ceiling primed…that big foam hot tub and pumpkin. Bleah. Really NOT my colors!

Blue walls…seriously better than pumpkin!  Eventually I got rid of the last of the pumpkin (on the stairs up–on the right where you see the broom), using a lovely sunny yellow and repainted the stairs’ ceiling from dingy gray-white to warm “Gardenia” white

This summer’s chore:  paint all the pre-primed trim and the floor, in the same wonderful grass green as my studio!

Pre-primed trim installed, and have just “cut in” the green at the edges of the floor. As you can see, the cement was ugly, splotchy and just …well…. UGH.

The first coat of green—minus my escape route to the stairs–is down. You can see (maybe?) in the photo that when wet it is fairly transparent… I ended up putting down four coats of Floor Paint.

Drum roll, please:

Is that better or what??? Hot tub GONE. Trim on all the doors and at the bottom of the stairs. Ceiling primed/white. Walls sky blue (not pumpkin).  Stair walls warm sunshine. Floor green (not grungy cement). BETTER!

I tell you, even with just the first coat on it made so much difference to go down through a fairly nice space to get to the studio–it felt for a while like I was going down to my dungeon!  Now the route is lovely.  And the chair?  Hubby likes to read and snooze by the fire in winter.  And the other day, when it was hot and muggy (and we have no air conditioning), he was down there reading in the COOL of the basement!

Yippee!   Summer painting chores reduced by a lot!  Still want to do the inside of the closet where the washer/dryer are and the kitchen (which has so little wall space I will probably be able to cover it all with just a quart of paint!

Next: off to Boston to retrieve No. 2 son from wrestling camp, then home!

A Moment of Beauty, June 10th, 2012

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

On a clear day, you can see almost forever…or at least from Hope to Liberty, Freedom and points north and west in Maine….  Today we went for a walk onto a neighbor’s hilltop / blueberry barren, and it was glorious.   There were some woods on one side, but I stood and took photos in an almost-complete circle…more than 270 degrees.  When I got home, I discovered my Photoshop Elements would create a panorama for me automatically.  I fiddled a little to fine tune it, so here is a hilltop in Hope, Maine, about noon today:

A panoramic to view larger

Clearly it was GLORIOUS!   The puppy was hot and panting though it is only about 70 degrees outside.

Here are two shots, larger and not collaged, of the view:

The view to the northwest. The building in the center is the Robbins Lumber mill.

And a bit to the north/east of the previous photo--the house in the center is the one we look out on from our land (trust me, that small gray blob in the middle of the photo is a house), which is about halfway between where this photo is taken and the house on the next hillside over

I spotted some rocks that might be good for doing rubbings (grin), and these little gems will be wild Maine blueberries ready to eat in about two months–the flower is bunchberry, a form of low-growing dogwood (cornus canadensis I think):

Wild blueberries, currently not much larger than the head of the glass-ball-headed pins

Then we meandered home:

Looking east toward Camden...I am pretty sure that is Mount Megunticook with the knobby edge. Love the falling down old stone wall. They actually have these walls on the official town plat-maps.

Paul and, quite a bit farther ahead, Eli with the puglet!

I feel somewhat guilty, that I have neglected the blog.  I’ve been busy with end-of-year for our 8th grader (graduates Thursday), house stuff, quilting/work stuff, and generally not working myself into a ground up pulp.  I promise before too long I’ll take a few days and do nothing but write blogposts, prep the photos etc.!  Hope you are all having a wonderful early summer, Cheers, Sarah

A moment of beauty, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Just took these a few moments ago and had to share…..

And to skip back to the first in the sequence….and then in order.  Taken from the living room side windows and (the last one and the one above) the porch, looking west over the lawn and the big meadow below the stone wall/hedgerow…

Pinch me… I really get to live here?  Where’s the best place to live on Earth?  MAINE!

Really? At least it IS beautiful

Friday, March 30th, 2012

OK…so this is the Winter-That-Wasn’t for much of the eastern half of the United States.  We had a blizzard in late October, a “January cold” cold spell before Christmas, and a blizzard in early February.  That’s IT.  Then we had a couple days of summer about 2 weeks ago.  Then yesterday, this:

On the way home from exercise class at the Y in Camden, March 29th....

Approaching Hope Crossing (i.e. downtown Hope, Maine)

The willow hedge on the lower part of the driveway

The willow tree near the "corner" of the driveway. I love how the branches first flush yellow-green in spring, then the buds begin to swell and, here, catch the snow

home, looking uphill from the lower part of the driveway. One of these years we will paint and get rid of the awful dark brown on the house, but it doesn't need painting yet. But how did we get so lucky to live somewhere so beautiful, again?!!!!

At least it truly is beautiful.  And it will melt.  SOON.  We actually have a crocus that bloomed a month early in the garden, and the iris greens are already coming up!  I’m ready for this to be the last of the white stuff until next fall!

Tomorrow/Saturday the 31st:  State Wrestling tournament…send “good wrestling, good referee-ing” thoughts for Eli!

Seasonal Confusion

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Last year it looked like this on April 1st (no, not a joke, that’s when the blizzard hit):

April 2011

This is what it looked like today:

Today, 21 March 2012

And, drum roll, the weather station said today:

Yep, that is EIGHTY degrees.  In March.  In Maine!   The weather guy said he could not find ANY records this warm this early in the year as long as he could find in the records…. INSANE!  Of course, as Eli said, he loves low humidity 80 degree summer days…oops…it’s the start of Spring!