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Catching up, more March and April

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

Gosh, I must say I am thrilled at all the work that fell  out of the sky onto me this past spring, but it is nice to be able to take a breather, blog a bit, sit on the sofa with a bit, sit on the porch and enjoy the summer breeze (ok, so at the moment the breeze is imaginary but I can hope one wafts in soon ans disperses the hot and muggy weather that is doing us all in as I type this…hopefully by the time this posts to the blog the “hot, hazy and humid” forecasts will be done and we’ll be back to glorious Maine summers).

This is a bit of a catch-all post to catch you up on life, so in somewhat random order….

In April I lectured in Massachusetts, then taught in Rutland, Vermont.  As you might guess, the class was Hawaiian Applique by machine which I will be teaching TWICE in Southern California this month!

In April I lectured in Massachusetts, then taught in Rutland, Vermont. As you might guess, the class was Hawaiian Applique by machine which I will be teaching TWICE in Southern California this month!  Didn’t this student do a beautiful job with her satin stitching on the turtles block?

Here's the classroom, on the lower level of a hospital center!

Here’s the classroom, on the lower level of a hospital center! Thanks to all the ladies who came–what fun!

And here's a taro leaf block, another of the "small" options in this class.  Lovely!

And here’s a taro leaf block, another of the “small” options in this class. Lovely!

As luck would have it, my route (yippeee!) took me from Massachusetts right past my friend Jacquie’s house on the way to Rutland, where I didn’t have to be until the evening lecture.  So of course I got to make a small detour and visit, and of course she fed me (Jacquie is a MUCH better and more inspired cook than I am).  When I arrived (late, I’m Sorry jq!) she was on Skype with her daughter Melanie, who lives in Germany, so I got to visit with Melanie too!   We had so much fun yakking and sharing that we forgot to pull out Melanie’s elderflower cordial that she made, so I’ll just have to manage another trip to Vermont.

I LOVE this picture...which I managed to take with arm extended.  It only took about three tries to get a decent one, too!

I LOVE this picture…which I managed to take with arm extended. It only took about three tries to get a decent one, too!

In April, Eli's track and field season began.  Here's an early season meet, with him throwing the javelin.  Look at that glorious sky and that beautiful boy-child (OK, soon to be young man) of mine!  So proud of him--this is his third varsity sport this year, as a Freshman!  And he qualified for States, making it three for three.  Well done, kiddo!

In April, Eli’s track and field season began. Here’s an early season meet (the deciduous trees are still bare), with him throwing the javelin. Look at that glorious sky and that beautiful boy-child (OK, soon to be young man) of mine! So proud of him–this is his third varsity sport this year, as a Freshman! And he qualified for States, making it three for three. Well done, kiddo!

Earlier, in the spring snowmelt and rain, our driveway (3/10 of a mile long…there is this big rectangle with lots all around it, and one long skinny driveway to the lot in the middle which is us) washed out, really badly on the bottom.  So we sucked it up and paid serious money to put in a proper ditch that would deal with all the water.  Cost about as much as (OUCH!) a nice used car! Here are the markings from when DigSafe came to show where NOT to dig:

Getting ready for ditching on the uphill side of the long driveway.  The red shows where there are utility pipes (electric and phone/internet) underground.

Getting ready for ditching on the uphill side of the long driveway. The red shows where there are utility pipes (electric and phone/internet) underground.

Then, here are a couple more shots of me prepping for filming the Quilting Arts DVD on May 1 (my full blogpost on that is here):

Setting things up as they would be seen on camera, in the "stuff you'll need" part of the DVD at the beginning.

Setting things up as they would be seen on camera, in the “stuff you’ll need” part of the DVD at the beginning.

And working on the preliminary quilting for the piece I would quilt on the set.  I needed to have the tomatoes in various stages of being quilted to demo the difference from unquilted to partialluy done, to done, plus one to work on while filming.

And working on the preliminary quilting for the piece I would quilt on the set. I needed to have the tomatoes in various stages of being quilted to demo the difference from unquilted to partialluy done, to done, plus one to work on while filming.

So that’s a bit more of why I’ve been so quiet these past months–LOTS of work and family life.  Life is good!






The Blizzard, after…

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Last night we heard a sound in the driveway that wasn’t wind.  Alex!   We wondered how he would manage with his plow.  Well, he didn’t.  He called in his big guns:

Alex to the rescue---with the frontloader.  So nice to have a neighbor-plow guy-town road commissioner with access to BIG stuff in addition to the big plow on his big pickup truck!  Love this photo because it shows how hard the wind is still blowing, lifting snow out of the bucket.  And notice that vast mound between the edge of the porch and the driveway....

Alex to the rescue—with the frontloader. So nice to have a neighbor-plow guy-town road commissioner with BIG stuff in addition to the big plow on his big pickup truck! Love this photo because it shows how hard the wind is still blowing, lifting snow out of the bucket. And notice that vast mound between the edge of the porch and the driveway….

I just stood in the kitchen looking out the window and laughed!    The “plow” pile grew so huge the big bucket on the frontloader (or is that a backhoe?  or two-in-one?) couldn’t reach over the top!

He's actually driving UP the plow pile to try to dump over to the back side.

He’s actually driving UP the plow pile to try to dump over to the back side.

And bless that man.  Remember that DEEP drift (about 3 1/2 feet deep) between the front door and the driveway in the first photo?):  Lookit what that nice man did….

Alex came in with the wide bucket empty, set it down gently, and then dragged all that snow back out to the center, then scooped it up to dump on the ginormous pile.  When that melts its gonna be a serious mudfest getting over to the garage!

Alex came in with the wide bucket empty, set it down gently about 4 feet from the edge of the deck, and then dragged all that snow back out to the center, then scooped it up to dump on the ginormous pile. That meant LOTS less shoveling for us! When the snow melts its gonna be a serious mudfest getting over to the garage!

Made us a wide clearing so we wouldn’t have to shovel as much.  DEFINITELY buying a snow blower before next winter!

This was the view out our bathroom window this morning.

This was the view out our bathroom window this morning.  Notice how high the drift is by the entry windows on the left.

And looking back at the house.  The photo above was taken from the window on the far left.  I was standing just uphill of the ginormous snow pile.

And looking back at the house. The photo above was taken from the window on the far left. I was standing just uphill of the ginormous snow pile for this photo.

It was a glorious crisp morning!  I love the strong shadows and the blueness of the snow

It was a glorious crisp morning! I love the strong shadows and the blueness of the snow and the wind-carved ridges in the snow.

Love those wind carvings so much I kept taking pictures.

Love those wind carvings so much I kept taking pictures. As I tell my students, there is quilt inspiration everywhere!

Eli spotted this cool overhang:  yes, that is a "corner" of snow hanging on the uphill side from the wind!

Eli spotted this cool overhang: yes, that is a “corner” of snow hanging on the uphill side from the wind!

Eli scraped the snow away under his feet to stand next to the drift from what blew over the roof.  He's almost 5'10" tall.  Love how the wind whips a channel next to the house.  We saw little tiny critter tracks in the snow near there.

Eli scraped the snow away under his feet to stand on the ground next to the drift from what blew over the roof. He’s almost 5’10” tall. Love how the wind whips a channel next to the house. We saw little tiny critter tracks in the snow near there.

Eli, Me with Widgeon, and Paul.  We got the gas grill back up on the porch, then set the camera on timer. For once I was going to get into the picture, too, as we aren't likely to see anything like this again for eons.  I mean...snow as tall as the eaves?

Eli, Me with Widgeon, and Paul. We got the gas grill back up on the porch, then set the camera on timer. For once I was going to get into the picture, too, as we aren’t likely to see anything like this again for eons. I mean…snow as tall as the eaves?  It may be routine in the mid-west, but not in Maine!

Eli hoists the King of the Mountain, as said king's leggies are too short to get him up to the top of the hill!

Eli hoists the King of the Mountain, as said king’s leggies are too short to get him up to the top of the hill!  Eli also needs to go back up there and retrieve the shovel he left up top!

And the storm clouds have cleared and we have that GLORIOUS view back.  Yes, the towns of Freedom and Liberty are off in the distance as we stand in Hope!  I LOVE MAINE!

And the storm clouds have cleared and we have that GLORIOUS view back. Yes, the towns of Freedom and Liberty are off in the distance as we stand in Hope! I LOVE MAINE!

And yes, I really DO have art and quilting to share…stay tuned!  First post is tomorrow.

And a PS:  our neighbor is wonderful, but plowing is part of his business!  He gets paid for plowing, but he does it well and responsibly and promptly every snowfall.  It can snow overnight, and when we get up at 6 am the driveway is already plowed most often!  Lots of folks here in Maine have 2 and 3 jobs, including seasonal ones.  The landscaping folks work the earth when it is visible, and plow in winter, for example.  And MANY people buy a plow for their truck and then earn extra money plowing in their neighborhood.   It’s the way life is here in Maine, and I expect in most of the northern tier of the US where snow is prevalent.




The Blizzard, vicariously

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Hi everyone! I thought I’d give you all a vicarious blizzard experience since luckily we still have power, and a snug house, food and entertainment.  There’s a YouTube video as well as still photos.  If you live in New England, never mind…just go outside!  It’s still blowing with sustained winds about 25 mph here, with gusts to over 50! This first bit is some video I shot this morning. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to narrate, so apologies for any (all) mess-ups with the audio!

I have NO idea how neighbor-and-plow-guy Alex is going to plow the mountain of snow, and it is simply too windy for him to come out, as he usually does, and make multiple passes every time another six inches falls.  Besides which the wind would just blow the snow all over anyway!

The weather stations tells us what we already knew:  it is cold and blowing lots of snow!

The weather stations tells us what we already knew: it is cold and blowing lots of snow!  That is air temp of 8 Fahrenheit, -14 wind chill, and a momentary lull in the wind…only 17  mph!

Eli decided to take the dog out as I got ready to take pictures and video.  The dog was NOT amused.  He got 2 1/2 of his feetsies outside the door and promptly turned around to come back in.  Eli got him out:

Eli is excited.  Widgeon is NOT.

Eli is excited. Widgeon is NOT.

Eli "encouraged"  Widgeon to check it out (ie. dropped him into the snow).  Widgeon is NOT amused.

Eli “encouraged” Widgeon to check it out (ie. dropped him into the snow). Widgeon is NOT amused.

As you can see, coaxing the dog to go pee by the pine tree (protected f rom the wind by the tree) wasn't successful either, as the snow is much deeper than Widgeon is tall.

As you can see, coaxing the dog to go pee by the pine tree (protected from the wind by the tree) wasn’t successful either, as the snow is much deeper than Widgeon is tall.  I think he’s saying “MAMA!  Come rescue me! HOW could you make me go OUT in this????”

And the before and after pics, first looking at the view (or what is left of it):


The view in mid-December 2012

The view in mid-December 2012

In the beginning, there was an inch of snow over the previously bare ground.  This was taken on Friday morning.
In the beginning, there was an inch of snow over the previously bare ground. This was taken on Friday morning.

Twenty four hours later…

Saturday morning, couldn't hardly see the trees at the bend in the driveway, let alone the hills beyond.  It is maybe 1/10th of a mile to the trees.  I promise, they are still there.  In the blowing snow.

Saturday morning, couldn’t hardly see the trees at the bend in the driveway, let alone the hills beyond. It is maybe 1/10th of a mile to the trees. I promise, they are still there. In the blowing snow.

Then the garage, before:

Light fluffy stuff came down on Friday during the day, coating the roof and logs.

Light fluffy stuff came down on Friday during the day, coating the roof and logs for next year’s wood burning.

and after:


Saturday morning, Feb. 9, 2013.  All that coating on the roof and logs is now blown uphill and the snow is coming down heavy and blowing sideways.

Saturday morning, Feb. 9, 2013. All that coating on the roof and logs is now blown uphill and the snow is coming down heavy and blowing sideways.

The woods to the west of the house when the snow began.

The woods to the west of the house when the snow began.

And this morning.  When I looked out the bedroom window in this direction when I woke up all I saw was white stuff going sideways.

And this morning. When I looked out the bedroom window in this direction when I woke up all I saw was white stuff going sideways.  In the lower left you can see where the wind has blown down to grass, yet other spots have 4 foot deep drifts.

And now I’m going to clean up the dishes and shower while we have electricity; if power goes out, so does the water pump! Then a cozy day at home reading and working on my watercolor class!  Hope you’ve enjoyed the blizzard…we are!  Joshua and Ashley are also home–most businesses (almost all?) are closed down, and texting works!  So we are snug in our home, together.








And the snow begins….

Friday, February 8th, 2013

Just checking in! Have been really busy working on that quilt I can’t share until April and new handouts for my Quilting Design class which I’m teaching in a few weeks in Venice, Florida, hence the lack of posts! But thought I’d share the storm for those of you who prefer your snow vicariously!

The view from the kitchen sink window this morning

The view from the kitchen sink window this morning

The snow has begun.  Camden and Hope are predicted to get 15-24 inches.  They cancelled / postponed the statewide wrestling meets (will happen next weekend, but at 3 high school venues instead of the Civic Center in Augusta which is booked).  We have buckets with water in the bathrooms for flushing (if the power goes out, so does the pump for the water) and will have in the kitchen for food/tea/etc.  The heavy stuff isn’t supposed to hit until tonight, but it is already coming down light and fluffy and thick.  School is cancelled (YEAH!) and we’re looking forward to a nice day at home.  I’m thinking scones for lunch and a movie with Eli; if we lose power, at least we’ll save the reading for tomorrow.

Last night about 5 pm.  I meant to take the photo earlier, but you can see the (how weird!) meadow/lawn area with NO SNOW.  In late January/early February.  In MAINE????  Wha' happened to winter?  I guess Mother Nature decided to deliver it in one whopper of a storm this weekend.

Last night about 5 pm. I meant to take the photo earlier in the day, but you can see the (how weird!) meadow/lawn area with NO SNOW. In late January/early February. In MAINE???? Wha’ happened to winter? I guess Mother Nature decided to deliver it in one whopper of a storm this weekend.

This morning, after the "school is cancelled" robo-call, we looked out the window to the west to see the snow coming down lightly, thickly.

This morning, after the “school is cancelled” robo-call, we looked out the window to the west to see the snow coming down lightly, thickly.

And the view from the living room deck...the most beautiful view ever (well, maybe our view on San Juan Island was equally beautiful!).

And the view from the living room deck…the most beautiful view ever (well, maybe our view on San Juan Island was equally beautiful!).

Rather than the usual Winter Storm Warning, there is a Blizzard Warning in effect.  For the latter you need not just lotsa snow, but lotsa wind, and we’re gonna have it.  They are predicting some coastal flooding due to the winds–here in Hope winds are predicted at 23-31 with gusts to 55.  It’s odd because usually it doesn’t snow a lot when it is this cold–currently it is 5 with a wind chill of -2 or thereabouts.

The weather station shows that it is currently 5, which is cold for getting snow, usually it is in the teens or 20s to get snow.  Just a slight breeze brings it down to -2 wind chill.  By tomorrow morning it will be as cold but winds will be high!

The weather station shows that it is currently 5, which is cold for getting snow, usually it is in the teens or 20s to get snow. Just a slight breeze brings it down to -2 wind chill. By tomorrow morning it will be as cold but winds will be high!

Paul says the NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) reports 1-3 inches today during the day, 7-11 more inches overnight, the wind kicks up, and then another 6-10 on Saturday before it peters out.  Old timers are saying this sounds like the storm of ’78, so if it actually is, you know it’s gonna be a big one.  LOVE our snug, warm, wood-stove-heated house (we also have thermostats and baseboards, but love the wood which also costs less than fuel oil) and gas range (the oven doesn’t work during a power outage, but the burners do).  So we will be warm and well fed.  <Beam>

Here's the garage.  I'll use this view and the one from the living room to show the progress of the storm.

Here’s the garage. I’ll use this view and the one from the living room to show the progress of the storm. Now there is just a dusting of snow, maybe an inch or less in this photo.  Note the huge logs on the right:  that’ll be our heating for the winter after next.  In spring our wood guy will come and chop and split the wood, then we’ll stack it in the wood storage area on the right end of the garage.  The third garage bay is for the lawn tractor and (to be bought) snow blower.  After building the garage, we decided we’d shovel one more year before spending more money on the snow blower this year.  Next year:  fix the drainage on the driveway and the snow blower.

Stay tuned.  I’ll take photos and, if we have power, post the course of the storm.

W+W: Winter and Wrestling

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

Just a quick pop in to say hi and share two photos.  I didn’t know we were going to be getting any weather in, and look what a beautiful sight I woke up to this morning:

A lovely surprise this morning

A lovely surprise this morning

And here is where we’ve been the past two days:  the Sanford Invitational wrestling tournament.  It is in southern Maine, an invitational of top teams from New England from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.  The competition is probably at the highest level you will see in Maine.  One of our state champions from last year who IS a really good wrestler didn’t even place!   The meet last weekend at Noble and this weekend at Sanford are so competitive, that they award medals to the top six, not the usual top 4.

Usually, Camden Hills is among the top 3 or 4 teams at Sanford, but we lost 7 of 13 starters to graduation last year, and two of the remaining varsity wrestlers were unable to compete due illness/injury.  That meant we had a whopping 4 kids of 13 who had competed there before.  Still, FIVE managed to place:  four came in 5th:  James Archer, Chris Weiss, Connor Winchenbach and Jared Gilbert, (Connor is a Junior, the others are sophomores), and ELI came in 6th!  Yes, as a Freshman he PLACED at Sanford!   So we are popping proud of our boy, of all the kids who wrestled, and the entire team who came along (even the one with a bad stomach flu came down with his mom to cheer on the team as best he could) to support the wrestlers.  Way to go CHills! (short for Camden Hills Regional High School).

The critical win:  the other boy was in the lead by 8+ points, a "major decision," when Eli realized well into the final period that is was do-it-or-die.  He DID it!  And here is the result... Eli has the kid in a pin, and the ref is down looking to see if both shoulder blades are on the mat for one second.  DONE!  It is remarkable for any Freshman to medal at Sanford, and especially not in one of the major competitive weight classes (it is still difficult, but not as bad, in the extreme upper and lower weight classes as there are fewer wrestlers in the 220+ weights or the 106 and 113 pound classes).

The critical win: the other boy was in the lead by 8+ points, a “major decision,” when Eli realized well into the final period that is was do-it-or-die. He DID it! And here is the result… Eli has the kid in a pin, and the ref is down looking to see if both shoulder blades are on the mat for one second. DONE! It is remarkable for any Freshman to medal at Sanford, and especially not in one of the major competitive weight classes (it is still difficult, but not as bad, in the extreme upper and lower weight classes as there are fewer wrestlers in the 220+ weights or the 106 and 113 pound classes).  That’s the sound of mama’s buttons popping with pride!

And if there are any other wrestling moms out there, here is an article in the PenBay Pilot, a local online newspaper.

And a PS:  thank you Dorothy for asking what a Freshman is!  We have kindergarten (usually age 5), then eight “primary and middle school” grades starting at age 6.  High school is grades 9-12, and Freshman is the 9th grade, followed by Sophomore, Junior and Senior.  I’ll add that to the blog!