Hi everyone! I’ve been seriously absent, mostly busy! I taught in Arkansas, got home at suppertime (stopping at Eli’s track practice on the way home from the airport), off to Coastal Quilters the next morning, unpacked that day, repacked the car the next day, and the following morning off to Massachusetts for a dyeing workshop! More on all of that, but for today I’m sharing what I’ve just finished… lesson 4 in Jane LaFazio’s Joggles class, Watercolor Sketchbook: designs from life.
The finished sketch/lesson
This lesson was “from the mountains,” so my garden filled in! I chose fiddlehead ferns, a sure sign of spring in Maine, and the tightly furled (and opening) leaf buds of the beech tree. As I wrote to the class:
I just adore the beech leaves, how they cling so tenaciously to the branch throughout winter, only relinquishing their hold when new growth finally forces them off and to the ground.
I’m posting a photo of what I sketched, but alas I waited too long and things kinda wilted, so I picked a second branch so you can see the long, slender, tightly furled leaf bud.
What I sketched, slightly wilted (with a strong afternoon sidelight and long shadows from the window)
Beech sprig on my closed laptop
I really liked Jane’s page with the two rectangles of leaves and the background of larger leaves and paint coloring the page around the boxes (not shown…in the lesson). I tried to do a similar tint/wash on this, but think I might better have stopped before that step. I was tired of plain backgrounds, but think this painting-in-back would be more effective if I had multiple smaller boxes/windows for the composition rather than this view. I included one photo of how *I* flooded in color: dampen section, add dots of thinned color, blend with a flat brush.
wet into wet....
…..I ended up with stronger blots of color than I wanted, tried to lift, then got sorta yucky rubbed areas. I do think I may want to use a less wet approach on this paper and then make myself a “mixed” journal of both mixed media and watercolor papers, or just suck it up and pay for a large watercolor paper journal period.
I DO like my “photo corners” tho! And it is curious that I, who adore vibrant color, am having fun with more subtle colors… AND (drum roll! ) I managed to remember to take photocopies of just the inked drawing for possible “other use.” What a concept…my brain was engaged! Here’s the inked page (draw in pencil, draw in with ink, erase pencil) and the page with the greens and browns added, but no background wash. I think maybe I should have stopped here, but so it goes. Turn the page, try again!
The inked outlines
At least with my current skill level, I think maybe I should have stopped here and not added the wash of color in the background
Anyway, here ’tis. Now for lesson 5 and back to lesson 3….. Constructive criticism is most welcome and appreciated!
The same applies for all of you…. should I have stopped