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Paducah 2 — The Ricky Tims Concert, with Kat Bowser

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Most of Paducah was work, with some notable exceptions:

The rides to and from the airport in Nashville (2+ hours away) with Jan Krentz and Rachael Clark in both directions, and Charlotte Angotti and Rami Kim on the way home, too…laughed, talked, learned a TON just listening from the masters and practiced teachers on the circuit. And had fun and dinner too! Major thanks to Kenny Shroeder for the rides!

Meeting Leslie and Caty, having dinner, and seeing Paducah with them… yeah Quilt Mavs! Meeting online friends in the real is the best!

Ricky on trumpet

And going to the Ricky Tims concert on Friday night. I lucked into a ticket (thanks to a certain benificent soul!), and went on my own. As Caty, Leslie and I walked to dinner on Friday, we saw a Looooonnnnnnggggggg line snaking around the Four Rivers Center of folks (mostly ladies) waiting to go to the concert. I was so glad I was going to eat instead, and was quite happy to arrive just before the show and sit in the rafters. Well… when I walked in, first I was WOWED by the building; click here for a video tour online (warning for those on dial-up… find a high-speed connection before clicking on the link). What a gorgeous building. Then I made a bee-line for the ladies room before the concert began and before heading to where I was directed, the upper balcony. When I came out of the ladies room, I noticed a hallway that led toward the stage and orchestra seating that said Orchestra 5. So I went down it. Luck was with me… a single seat, on the aisle, ten rows back from the stage and directly in line with the piano bench! Here was my view:

View from my seat

Does it get any better? Ricky began with a trumpet solo, then told us it was the first time he’d played trumpet in public in 25 years or so, but that the trumpet had been in younger days his best instrument. It’s still good…I swear that man can play any musical instrument he touches. And he’s a born entertainer. Alas, I didn’t get pictures of his entrance… picture this:

  • The theatre is dark except for the screen in the center and the spotlights on his two large quilts flanking the screen. Then those lights dim.
  • The curtains in the back of the stage part and you see “smoke/fog” backlit… (think dry ice).
  • Suddenly a bright beam pierces the dark into the audience, followed by a HUGE rumble….varoom, VaRoooom, VAROOOOOM…. and slowly, carefully, (ya know what Ricky drives?) in he comes on a HARLEY onto the stage! It was a total riot!!!!!

So, he sings, he jokes, he does his thing, and introduces a friend / performer / Kit Bowser. And says she said “Hey, what are we gonna do special for MY entrance?” So…….Kat Bowser’s entrance, on the not-quite-a-Harley

Kat Bowser’s entrance, on the not-quite-a-Harley , above, and a shot of her singing later in the concert, below:

Kat Bowser

The rest of the show was as hilarious and fun….Kat is very much a cabaret type singer / torch singer. You can see her MySpace page here and listen to her music at CuppaJoeRecords here. I enjoyed her singing so much I actually bought a CD, my first CD purchase in about 2 years! Oh yeah…work ALERT—don’t click on the My Space link with your sound turned up on your computer if you’re at work! But it is definitely toe-tapping music!

Ricky’s rhapsody quilt on the rightAnd during the show, as my throbbing, aching feet began to rest, I could sit there and mellow in the music (or laugh at the jokes) and enjoy the glorious color and dancing designs of Ricky’s quilts. Kat sang a song with “Glory Hallelujah Dance!” which I think would be the perfect title for a quilt…. I used to live to dance… took ballet for years as a kid and studied with the San Francisco Ballet Company. I’d probably prefer modern dance more now, but am too creaky… but I can still dance with my soul! Hmmmm…. I think I’m recovering from the past year, my creativity is coming back!

Next blogpost…some of my classes!

Art quilting disguised as fusible applique

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

Turquoise coneflowers

My first day in Paducah, I taught an evening 3-hour class called “Chunk and Jigsaw Fusible Applique.” This class is actually a portion of my Fabric Postcards all-day class which teaches various art quilting and embellishing techniques. I teach how to make up a small stash of fused fabrics ready for a quick project using leftovers from other projects (placed on the fusible web like a jigsaw) or small chunks of fabric…say 5×7 to 10×10 inches or so…. Then, we make a few postcards. For most students in these classes, it is their first time trying to design something, so I provide eight patterns. What is interesting, once I started providing a selection of patterns, the students didn’t use them! HOORAY! It meant the variety of ideas was enough to get them going on their own… mo’ bettah! Here are some of the results–the one above is one I would have loved to fly home with me… imagine, turquoise coneflowers…. glorious!

Note: if you were in my class and made one of these, PLEASE let me know and I’d love to include your name in this post! The class was so short that I wasn’t able to get names attached to each postcard for sharing here, but I did ask in the class if it was OK to share them. Michele E in Alabama… I’ll not share your wonderful birdie because I know you wanted to finish him/her before “going public!” but I adore him/her!

This student was game, despite never having designed something like a scenic card… I love how she placed the shapes, added the cut-out leaves, and used color. See how she cut out motifs from a batik to create the waterplants?

Beach and bird

I love Love LOVE the swoopy roofline on this house! She had found some cool “postcard foundations”, in the YLI booth I think. They were dyed/painted, creating the cool colors and textures in the background… I’ll have to look for them! Also love how she used the circles in a Kaffe Fassett print (do ALL of us have this fabric in our stash?) for the window and doorknob.


Notice the cool not-quilting-cotton fabrics in the houses here?

Different fabrics

Another student worked on a slightly larger background that the 4×6 peltex cards I included in the kit, using her awesome selection of sheers (which I wouldn’t have minded if they flew home with me, either). Her first piece was squares, in progress:

Sheers checkerboard, beginning

and fused up:

Sheers checkerboard

Then she made this totally wonderful sun scene:

sheers scene

One student with a completely different sense of color and composition than I have used the prints in her fabrics SO effectively:

Baroque swirls

The combination of soft batiks creates a soothing landscape:

Mountain scene

And here’s another landscape under construction:

Another landscape, in progress

Despite the hour of the class– 5:30 to 8:30 pm — the students seemed to have fun, and I know I did. And the peanut M&Ms and Milky Way bars I brought to share helped!

Home from Paducah

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Me with Koi

Phew! I did it! I taught at the AQS Show in Paducah last week, which also happens to have been my first major teaching gig at the national level…what a way to begin! It was exhausting, fun, a learning experience, and I’d do it again…just not every year please! Unlike Festival in Houston, the show is spread out in Paducah’s Expo hall, convention center, and the (icky) attached Executive Inn. The rest of the town joins in, from the MAQS Museum 3-4 blocks away, to Hancock’s of Paducah (a major store and catalog/online quilt store) several miles away via car/shuttle bus, to the many shops in town including Caryl Bryer Fallert’s studio and the new Eleanor Burns emporium. Regular stores all have quilts in the windows… it’s just fun! (Even if the weather can be hot and humid and sticky. Showers please!)

Standing in for Gloria Hansen

I did get to see the show, and thought I’d seen all of it, but since my return it appears I missed a section of the exhibits…bummers! From my arrival on Tuesday, to my departure for the Nashville airport on Saturday evening (I actually reached home at 9 pm Sunday), I had maybe 4 hours total during open hours to see everything and do just a little shopping! The first thing I saw, above, to my sheer delight was Gloria Hansen‘s quilt with a big ribbon (that’s me doing a stand-in for the much prettier Gloria, who is also my website designer extraordinaire)! (Note! All photos in this post are clickable for larger views.) Across the aisle was my Koi quilt. I totally love its simplicity, but it suffered in comparison to the heavily worked quilts in the show, I think. Still I’m glad that some of the folks in my classes saw it and remembered it!

Koi in situ

One of the best parts of going to a big quilt show is meeting folks from online. I’ve also discovered that hanging out with other teachers is a phenomenal experience. Like quilters, they are so sharing, helping newbies like me learn the ropes. Jan Krentz was awesome (I may have to take a piecing class with her just to learn from watching a master teacher at work), and I got to room with Suzanne Marshall, whose quilts have earned spots in the top 100 quilts of the 20th century and the next best 100 quilts of the 20th century… amazing! (Click on their names to open a new window to their websites.)

The Beast and the Boy, Suzanne Marshall

And such a kind, down-to-earth lady. I’d room with her again any time! Our dinner out after our evening classes on Weds. was the best dinner of the week–we yakked for hours! This is her entry in this year’s show The Beast and The Boy…yes, all hand appliqued, hand quilted, hand stitched…sigh!

Here I am with Caty and Leslie from the Quilt Mavs list (they are sisters, yes their hair is that gorgeous, I want Caty’s!):

With Caty and Leslie

I was so busy teaching, that I didn’t get to really see much of the town. Thanks to meeting online friends, Caty and Leslie, for the first time, I DID get a lovely tour of the town (and was so glad to be able to do that sitting down in her comfy car! I was literally hobbling by the time I met them Thursday evening). We saw old homes, beautifully renovated old homes, dogwoods in bloom (the thing I may miss the most about Virginia), and also azaleas and redbuds. And we drove the Lower Town Arts Walk area…what a great idea to revitalize a town.

From the Janome 6500 list, I met Maggie S. and Madge Z. and we got this pic (thanks for taking my classes!):

with Madge and Maggie

and from the Pickles list, Michele E. from Alabama — if we look tired it’s because it was the end of my sixth and final class, and I was ELATED–I did it!

With Pickle Michele

I also met and really enjoyed having Ruth Ann W. from the QuiltArt list and her friends in my classes…Ruth Ann, how did we miss taking a photo????? Maybe in Florida!

The hotel was, well,….. ugh. The folks who run AQS have apparently threatened to leave town and find another venue if the owner doesn’t fix it up, but according to the “word on the street” (aka gossip) the owner doesn’t much care and wants to turn it into a casino. If you go to Paducah, try to stay somewhere else then drive or shuttle to the expo center! Over the next few days I’ll be adding more posts….pictures of the show, of students and classes, the Ricky Tims concert… can you tell I had fun (and that I’m now catching up on sleep enough to enjoy it LOL!).

Quilting with Decorative Threads

Monday, April 28th, 2008

When I teach the after-intro-level machine quilting class, the one for folks who are comfortable with free-motion (I always say you don’t have to be good at it, just comfortable with the concept) and want to explore playing with threads, usually I have students do a sampler to test thread tension on their machines with various needles and thread combinations. However, in Paducah, the students will be using loaner machines (HOORAY>… I got the Janome classroom filled with my loved 6600s!). I wanted the students to learn HOW to make the tension sampler, but what they need most is to take the sampler home and then play with the tension on THEIR machines! That would leave some extra time in the class.

Painted leaves

That led to the idea of a project. I grabbed my tossed leaves patterns to use as handouts, and thought gee, let’s quilt up a square that could be practice OR be a pillow top (or whatever) that lets students play with a variety of fancy threads. Rather than fuss with applique or whatever, the students can simply outline the shapes on their fabric, then quilt them as if it were a wholecloth. Of course, I decided I wanted to play with paint (who wants to mark a quilt when you can paint it?), which led to the sample above. I took some 12+ year old black print fabric and painted on the back through a freezer paper stencil using Lumiere paints. I then tossed in a few other leaf shapes (the fine white lines you see on the black) .

I used the following threads, all from Superior Threads:

  • Rainbows, a variegated 40-wt trilobal (shiny) poly
  • Highlights and the other 40-wt. trilobal polyesters in a solid color
  • Metallic (gold I think it was?)
  • Glitter, a holographic thread
  • in the bobbin, The Bottom Line, a 60-wt poly

Metallic tossed leaves

To see a close up of this quilt, click on the thumbnail (if you are on a PC and right click, you can open in a separate tab or window, if on a Mac click the apple key and mouse at the same time):

Metallic tossed leaves–larger

And here is a detail shot:

Tossed leaves detail

if you click on the shot, it will open up larger, too.

Superior offers this awesome service: as a teacher, I can order a bunch of thread, then have them re-wind the cones onto “bobbins” (not for use in the bobbin, more like micro-spools on a clear plastic bobbins). Then I can make kits for students with a range of threads. For $15, my students will get samples of the Bottom Line (on bobbins that can actually be USED in the bobbins), King Tut (variegated cotton), MasterPiece (50/2 cotton, solid colors), Rainbows (variegated poly), 40-wt trilobal poly, metallic and Glitter! You’d MAYBE be able to buy two spools of thread, and they get to try six different types of thread to see if the look is right for their style of quilting and compatible with their machines (after all, we KNOW some machines are just cranky!) without spending a fortune on spools they might never use again. Cool! Love the service!  And then I know the students will have good quality thread and not be frustrated with junky stuff or not have a good selection because 8 spools just costs too much!

What I’ve been doing…

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Well, it has been busy! This post will “publish” on Tuesday while I am winging my way south to teach in Paducah! As usual, life has been insanely hectic. I began getting ready for Paducah. Here is the first round of “stuff” in the crate:

Crate 1

Then, there is another round of “stuff” to pack and take. These things are mostly my teaching binders, a few handouts (most were shipped ahead of time), and my teachers’ samples:

Crate 2

On top of prepping all this stuff, I had to MAKE some new samples (which I’ll show you in a couple of days) to go with the shorter 3-hour format classes Paducah prefers. Then, an opportunity fell into my lap: write a proposal for an art quilt project at the Camden-Rockport Middle School. So in addition to continuing to get mom settled, the regular daily stuff, dog-walking and litter-box-cleaning (not to mention laundry, food and sleep), I wrote up this:


The project would be seven panels. Six panels are 3 feet wide by about 4.5 feet long, with a seventh panel 40 inches wide by 18 inches deep to go over the door in the middle of the 24+ foot wall! The principal LOVES the idea of depicting inspirational people / things from around the world and across time (folks like MLKing, Mandela, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, engineers (a bridge maybe), shipbuilders and explorers, teachers, doctors), and is going to submit the proposal to a local grant-giving group. If a small miracle happens and I get it, it would be a MAJOR commission that would keep me busy the rest of the year!

Thanks to a nice tax refund, I was able to finally get my eyes checked, and will be buying new frames for the first time in 3 years. This is the most likely pair (so far):


Please ignore the dippy expression, fat on my neck, lack of makeup etc….They are a matte black, and I’m leery of black. I had wanted a deep ruby red, turquoise, or plum…. so far no luck, but some new frames coming in soon….. what do you think of these? Are they too stark on my face or OK? I do like the shape…..

I’ll be back online in a few days (well, a new post will come up) with one of the new class samples I made for Paducah AND a book review….