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Vermont Quilt Festival–Part 1

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

After 3 1/2 days of teaching, Judy Woodworth, Bonnie K. Hunter and I went into downtown Burlington for dinner to relax and celebrate. We had dessert at—where else of course (we’re in their home state)–Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream!

Just a quick note to check in and say hi and share pics of a few of the highlights of the days here in Colchester/Essex Junction, Vermont, where I’ve just taught 3 1/2 days of classes at the Vermont Quilt Festival.  WOW–what an amazingly run (by volunteers!) quilt show, with some stunningly beautiful and top-notch quilts from traditional to modern.   I’ll do several more posts, but Burlington is a charming small city–I am enchanted with the bike lanes and all the folks from college age to seniors riding bikes to and fro, parking for bikes in the downtown core (just a couple blocks up from the shores of Lake Champlain).  I had an absolute blast and would SO love to return to teach again, and know for sure I’ll now come as a “tourist” quilter, too!  It is about 6-7 hours from my home in Maine, so a day visit requires two nights away from home, but it is worth it!


Ben and Jerry’s is on Church Street at the corner of Cherry street…. Look at the sign! I TOTALLY love a town that has a sense of humor!

An internet friend, whom I met in one of my online drawing classes with Jane LaFazio, Dana B. came up to Burlington to meet me for dinner on Wednesday, the day I arrived.  Susan Brubaker Knapp, whom I initially met over the internet as well was also teaching, so the three of us had a most fanatabulous dinner at Leunig’s.  I’ll share more pics of the restaurant in a future post.

Wednesday with Dana B. and Susan Brubaker Knapp at Leunig’s restaurant on Church Street.

And the classes…OH MY did I have fun, and my students were so wonderful!  I won’t share any pictures now because there are just so many that I need to do a post or two just on those!

And one of the highlights for me was being able to share at Saturday night’s Show and Tell–I’ll post the whole wonderful story, but here’s a picture of me with my Oceans Alive quilt, made from Mary K. Ryan’s Mariner’s Compass pattern, WITH Mary K. Ryan!   It was just such a thrilling, wonderful thing, and I think you can tell by how happy we both look!

Me and Mary K. Ryan, with my quilt made (pieced in 1990-91, hand quilted and finished in about 2000) from Mary’s Mariner’s Compass pattern.

Tomorrow, I’ll drive home with a couple hour detour to the south to visit my dear friend Jacquie Scuitto, the Quiltmuse (I did a post on her book of light verse, here and blogged about her visit to Camden here and her verse in A Black and White Tale here), and hope to have more pictures and blogging for you later in the week.  Cheers, from a very happy and not-nearly-as-tired-as-I-expected me (tho I may collapse once I get home!)


Vermont Quilt Festival

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Just a quick note:

I’m teaching at Vermont Quilt Festival this weekend…leaving this morning (Wednesday) for classes Thursday through noon Sunday.  If you are there say hello if you spot me… I will likely have frizzy hair and a happy smile!   I’ll try to blog from there or when I get home with class pics.  I have SO MANY things I’ve done that I want to share with all of you, but I’ve been so busy DOING them that I haven’t had time to blog.  Will try to remedy that as soon as I’m home!   Hope to see some of you in Vermont!

QUEST Little Rock, Arkansas

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Quilters are just so much fun… even when you travel nearly 1700 miles, go to a state you’ve never visited before, and meet total strangers, you instantly feel at home!   This week I’m in Arkansas, and on Monday and Tuesday lectured and taught for the QUEST quilters of Little Rock…boy did we have FUN!

At the end of the day in my Tame Fussy, Fiddly Threads class

I flew down to Arkansas on Sunday, connecting in Boston, Mass. and Charlotte, N.C.  As things go it was uneventful, but I must say I loathe air travel any more!  I swear the thing that will eventually convince me to stop  teaching is airports and schlepping of stuff!   That said, it was wonderful once I arrived!  I was met by Sherri D., a friend from a small internet group.  When I booked the job, neither she nor I realized I was coming to HER guild!   So I got to meet her hubby, son, and spend time with her having a couple of happy meals there.  They even sang their Renaissance Faire Celtic songs for me!

On Monday, I gave “The Decorated Quilt” lecture to a full room (always more fun!), and in the afternoon I taught an intro to machine quilting class.

Because this was only a half-day workshop, we didn't do as much with the walking foot on, but I did have them stitch a circle and learn how to make parallel lines without marking. Then we dove into free-motion designs.

Lookit the heart-feathers on the right... I showed them how to mark a spine and guidelines, then wing it to make feathers... I just love that she was willing to give it a go and not be intimidated!!!!

I can't believe this student got so much done in such a short class! There were a couple ladies that, I can tell, are really going to take off with this!

The next day was the full-day class about threads that some think of as cranky threads!  As usual for my classes, I begin with a “slide”/digital presentation that covers the “must know before you start” stuff, and also keeps me on point and not wandering off into fun but time-consuming stories!  After all, I want them to SEW!  Because using fused fabrics to do things in all my classes would be hopelessly dull, I introduce some new stuff in some of the classes instead.  Here, as an alternative to sewn or fused leaves, we stencilled these leaves with Jacquard Lumiere textile paints (you can buy them at craft stores sometimes and from always).  I encourage students to use my patterns but re-design the layout or branch out completely on their own. I was thrilled with the results!

Aren't those colors amazing? I love how she varied the tones within sprigs of leaves

Here's how we begin: cutting a stencil out of freezer paper, then ironing it to black fabric. It looks so-so at this stage, but when they start peeling the paper off they are SO excited!

I WISH my photo were a tad more in focus! This lady used my gingko leaf pattern to make her leaf shapes, and I love how she streaked the gold onto the green...fabulous!

The subtle tone on tone black this student brought for the class is awesome for this project. She placed leaf shapes into a starburst pattern and decided they looked like flowers...isn't this gorgeous?

Luckily, program chair and absolute HOOT Evelyn C. suggested photos, so we all got together (including me in the photo…I’m kneeling on the right) and actually got photos of what everyone did! That’s the photo at the top of this post….. Can you tell we had fun?  After class, three of the ladies took me out to dinner at a local BBQ joint, Lindsey’s….OH MY!  I had chopped pork bbq, greens and potato salad, and was introduced to my first (but I hope not my last) fried pie.  It’s like a turnover…. think pie crust, dollop of (in my case) peach pie filling made from scratch, crust folded over to make a half-circle and crimped together and fried.   YUMMM!

Next:  a day with Sherri and Hot Springs Village Quilt Guild.  The HSV day is today, so I had best get my suitcases…we hit the road in about 20 minutes!

Teaching in Houston! Quilt at AQS Lancaster!

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

Hi all…great news this week:  I’ve been selected to be on the Faculty at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas…as in: I’m teaching at the best show in the world! (I taught there are few years ago, and am thrilled and considerably less terrified now return… I know I can do it!)  I will have full-day classes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will participate in the Machine Quilting Forum on Thursday morning, and may well do a 30-minute “Meet our Teachers” demo on the quilt show floor (schedules permitting)  and participate in the “Friday Sampler” from 10-Noon.  If the scheduling for the latter two works, I’ll be demo-ing my fused collage technique at the “Meet our Teachers” and on Friday will share/demonstrate free-motion quilting!  And as always, Janome-America will be able to lend me a machine for my demos…yeah and thank you Janome!

Here’s my Festival schedule:

  • Monday, October 29:  Fine Finishes–edge finish techniques; full day class
  • Tuesday, October 30:  Birch Pond Seasons–fused collage landscape; full day class
  • Wednesday, October 31:  Decorative Stitch Applique–learn to use all those fun stitches on your machine! Full day class
  • Thursday, November 1:  Fun with Fancy Threads–the trick to metallics, holographics an other fussy thread; 9-Noon
  • Friday, November 2 (tentative): Friday Sampler–free-motion quilting; 10-Noon
  • Thursday afternoon or Friday afternoon (tentative)–a 30 minute demo at the Meet the Teacher area on the show floor
  • Thursday afternoon or Friday afternoon (likely)–demo(s) at the MistyFuse booth again… love MF and Iris (the owner)!
  • Saturday:  PLAYTIME!

Not sure yet if I’ll stay and see the show on Sunday, too… I just may given how busy my schedule has become!

I sure hope to see some of you in Houston and, even better, in my classes! When the show/class catalog comes out, I’ll post to the blog with pictures from the classes and links to previous classes I’ve taught so you can see student work.  FUN!

AND….. drum roll…. the portrait of my son, Joshua, has been juried into the AQS Lancaster show (March 14-17)!

The quilt is too small to fit into the categories for Paducah (must be 40 inches wide, and this one is 36 inches wide by 48 long), so this is the show for which it fits into a category.  I’m thrilled, as I think this is probably the best quilt I’ve ever made.

The Quilters Heritage Celebration show (now defunct) used to take place in Lancaster in March, and it was the first major quilt show I ever attended, driving up from when we lived in the metro DC area.  I love going there and hope some day to be able to teach at AQS Lancaster (which picked up the show-in-Lancaster after QHC ended/retire).  If I can just get my schedule clear for March then I can apply (currently there is a conflict with son’s wrestling season!).  Anyway, it’s been a good quilty start to the year!

Sarah the Pack-Mule

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

If, at some point in the future, I quit travel teaching, this is why:

Too much stuff....

That is one full-size suitcase, three roll-aboards (one for the laptop and projector, one for clothes, one for stuff to sell), a carry bag, two crates of teaching and class supplies, a case of books and pinnable panels for classroom display.  And many, Many, MANY pounds of STUFF.  Yes, my back hurts.  Yes, I bought a larger car so I would feel safe driving on the interstates to teaching jobs (I’ve driven from mid-coast Maine to as far as Knoxville, TN) since I prefer two days  on the road (each way) to one day in airports.  Yes, I bought a larger car so that I can FIT all this stuff in the car and still be able to see out the back.

So…tomorrow I leave for A Quilters’ Gathering in Nashua, NH.  Hope to see some of you there!