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First Glimpses, IQA / Houston Market and Festival 2012

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

I left Owl’s Head airport in Rockland at Sunrise:

Sunrise from the Cape Air plane to Boston

And departed Boston’s lights at 6:30 pm,

Taking off from Boston-Logan airport, Monday night, en route home

Arriving back home in Owl’s Head at about 7:35 pm:

Yes, it is that dark here! The long string of lights you see are actually the runway!

I really like the lights of home.  Or more precisely, the lack of lights!

In between I had the most fun I’ve ever had in Houston:  I taught Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (with demos on the show floor), and Friday morning.  Saturday I got to visit the Texas Quilt Museum in LaGrange, Texas (about 90 minutes by coach bus each way), and Sunday got to see the show.  Then home on Monday…nothing better than coming  home to hugs with my guys and slurps from the critters.

The Rituals exhibit during Market. I’m so glad I took this picture, because I thought I was losing my mind! During Market, my quilt was facing the aisle. When I returned on Wednesday night when Festival opened they had swapped the quilts from front to back and end to end! So glad I’m not crazy and that I really did remember this correctly! My quilt is Strength and Calm, a standing figure on a yellow-to-gold-to-plum background (just to the right of the lady in the red dress).

And part of the other side of the “Rituals” exhibit. Thanks to Havel‘s for sponsoring this exhibit! We, the artists, truly appreciate your generosity.

This year I was able to donate again to the IQA Silent Auction. Here are the donations from award winners, teachers and authors on display.

My donation was the Koi, which is a first cousin to the Koi quilt I made 8 years ago. He has now swum off to his new home! Enjoy, and thank you to whoever bid on him. I appreciate your support of the International Quilt Association!

I’ll be back in the coming days with pictures from my classes, trip to LaGrange, and the show floor.  As always, I am blown away and inspired by what I was able to see!



International Quilt Market and Festival, the beginning!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

Hi all! Posting from Houston…will share a few photos and brief comments from the first few days.  Flew from Maine to Houston on Sunday, got in early enough to visit Quilt Market and do some business.  Monday and Tuesday (today) taught Fine Finishes first, then Birch Pond Seasons today.  Fun having folks not only from all over the US, but Brazil, Spain, England and South Africa in class!  Enjoy the photos…. I’ve been on the run since 6 a.m. this morning, it’s now 10 pm, and my next class (teaching) begins at 8 a.m. tomorrow, so going to make this brief!

Sunrise from our 9-seater small commuter plane / flight to Boston. It was about 7 a.m. when I took this shot…STUNNING!


The Tula Pink booth at Quilt Market (a to-the-trade show, not open to the general public). Great fabrics, stunning “quilt modern” quilts with great quilting!

The Rowan Westminster booth was huge and fabulous!

LOVE these ribbons that are now available!

A happy student from my Fine Finishes class…she’s showing the couched-yarn edge finish.

Another happy student! She wanted to learn prairie points, which worked perfectly because I had just taught facings, which are what you need on the back side of the prairie points!

Had a large group of ladies from Brazil in Monday’s class. The one standing next to me had quite good English and was able to translate my instructions for her friends whose English couldn’t always keep up with the speed at which I speak LOL! They did great and seemed to really enjoy the class…FUN for me, too!

Hoooray! Got to the *original* Ninfas (on Navigation) for wonderful Mexican food. Wonder if I can make back at least once more if not twice…. YUM… I’ll diet next week….

With my friend Susan Brubaker Knapp (center) and her friend Kelly Jackson of at Ninfa’s. I’m on the phone calling the hotel shuttle, and no…we had not been having margaritas…we were just having FUN! And eating…..

From today’s Birch Pond Seasons class… a work in progress! I love watching how students re-interpret my pattern and make it their own!

And my first student to ever try a winter version…LOVE it! Inspires me to get mine a bit further done!


Now…time to read a bit, relax and sleep before the alarm goes off in 7 hours….As the saying goes here in Houston, you can sleep next week!

Visiting Arkansas

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Here’s another seriously overdue post…about my wonderful visit to teach in Little Rock and Hot Springs Village in Arkansas this past April.

Sherri wanted me to see this old mill which was, if any of your are movie buffs and eagle-eyed, in Gone With the Wind! It was a stunningly beautiful setting, even with somewhat drippy skies!

I had a “down” or extra day between my bookings in Little Rock and Hot Springs Village.  Imagine my delight when Sherri D.–an internet friend from a small quilt group on yahoo– realized I was coming to teach at her guild and that we could chum around together on that day!  We had a blast…but I think the best part was something for which there are  no photos, so you’ll just have to use your imaginations:  after supper, I was treated to an impromptu Celtic concert by Sherri, her dear hubby and dear son.  They play at RenFaires, and I got my very own performance as they prepped for performing at their first RenFaire in Arkansas!  So tap your toes and hum to yourself as you read….

This falls into the “inspiration is everywhere” category. This is old elevator equipment next to the parking lot for the main public library, where the QUEST guild has its meetings and workshops. Lovers of steampunk…feast your eyes on real gears!

Although I’m usually all about asymmetry, I loved this cropped view of the elevator workings.

and I couldn’t resist one more…

We also had fun wandering around that old stone mill….

This bridge is next to the old mill shown in the photo at top. Can you believe it…those “tree branches” are actually cement!

And who can resist a photo of a real mill wheel:

the mill wheel at the old stone mill….

Sherri and me…astonishing…we both look good! Must be because we were happy and just kept smiling all day! Even my *hair* cooperated!

I hereby vow that I will TRY to post a little closer to when stuff actually happens.  Gee…what a concept LOL!

Teaching at Quilt Festival in Houston, 2012!

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Just wanted to dash off a quick note to tell you how happy I am to be teaching again at International Quilt Festival in Houston this coming fall!  I hope to see some of you there…perhaps in my classes!  To learn more about the classes, click here to go to the Quilts, Inc. website.  From there you can download the PDF class catalog, register (online–easy peasy) for classes and/or events.

I’ll be very busy; my schedule begins on the Monday of Quilt Market (a to-the-trade only wholesale show) and continues through the week of Festival!

October 29-November 2, 2012 – International Quilt Festival, Houston, Texas (click on images to view larger):

  • Monday: Fine Finishes(edge finishes including perfect mitered corners!)
    • Learn to make a perfect mitered binding straight grain bindings, double-fold bias bindings, piping, and couched yarns.  Time permitting Sarah will share how-to’s for  fabric accents, curved bindings, fused bindings, wacky raw-edge squares, and couched-yarn finishes! By the end of this class you’ll have a “swatchbook” of samples and notes including a wide assortment of styles and techniques to finish your quilts and quilted garments.  See a previous blogpost about this class here.


  • TuesdayBirch Pond Seasons(fusible applique)
    • Learn fusible applique, several techniques for “piecing” with fused fabrics, and how to make your own Birch Pond art quilt.  I’ll also cover facings as an edge finish and a range of fun ideas that will let you branch out on your own after class.  Kit fee ($20) covers the cost of the pattern and one package of white MistyFuse (except when taught in stores; then, please purchase these items from the store). See a previous blogpost about this class here.


  • WednesdayDecorative Stitch Applique(use those fancy stitches on your machine!)
    • Make a small wallhanging or a selection of small blocks which take full advantage of all those decorative stitches on your sewing machine. Using fusible appliqué and an assortment of as many threads as you care to bring and use, you’ll see how versatile a single leaf pattern can be! The embroidery / decorative stitches you use in this class can be adapted to your choice of other appliqué methods; we will use fusibles in class so that you can make a wide selection of appliquéd leaves during the class. The project samples can be used for a quilt, a garment or home dec items. See a previous blogpost about this class here.


  • Thursday Morning Machine Quilting ForumFun with Fancy Threads
    • I’ll share some tips about using fussy, fiddly threads and how to master them with the right needle, the right bobbin thread, and a fun little project/demonstration.  This Forum starts with an overview and introduction to six machine quilting experts.  Each of us will give a 9 minutes (not one second longer!) presentation. Then we break out into 6 stations…think of it as speed-dating for machine quilters!  We’ll do a 20 minute presentation, then the bell rings and off you go to the next station/teacher.  A great way to see if you want to learn more or book a teacher for your group.


  • Thursday AfternoonMeet the Teacher,a free 30 minute demo on the show floor:  Collaged and Fused Art Quilts
    • I’ll show you my process for creating fuse-collaged quilts, with step-by-step examples of this small tomato-garlic-and-basil quiltlet.


  • Friday Morning: Friday Sampler–QuiltColoring with Thread
    • Think of your sewing machine and thread as a big box of crayons… more colors than you’ve ever had in a box of crayons!  Then learn to use your machine and thread to color your art quilts and bring them to life.  This Sampler is a ginormous room with 20 or more teachers giving quick demos.  Participants can move from station to station as they choose.  It’s a great way to see if you’d like to take a class with a teacher or even book them for your guild.
  • Saturday:  Sarah gets to relax and play today… I’m going on the bus tour to the Texas Quilt Museum in LaGrange.  Anyone want to go on the same bus?
  • Sunday:  I’ll be visiting the booths and quilts today…including one of mine that has been juried into the show (more on that later, after the judging is done and it’s safe to post pictures to the internet).

I’m so looking forward to Houston this year…hope you get to come play, too!

Vermont Quilt Festival, Part 2

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

To begin at the beginning: as I entered Vermont, what else would I see but COWS, the kind on the Ben and Jerry’s label! Of course I had to pull over and snap a picture!

It always amazes me how rapidly time evaporates.  I got home on Monday, it is now Saturday, and I feel like the week simply disappeared in errands, exercising, painting (of the baseboards and trim variety), preparing to paint (the basement floor variety), and a thousand other things.  I’ve JUST this past hour tossed the laundry from the trip into the washer!   So while it is stewing and getting clean, I thought I’d start at the beginning and attempt to catch up!

From the last post, you know I was able to meet Dana B. from an online class with Jane LaFazio (at and friend Susan Brubaker Knapp and have dinner the first night.  Susan and I were snapping pictures from the get-go…. she spotted this light fixture (and got a much more artistic shot through the entryway):

Lighting at Leunig’s Bistro on the Church Street pedestrian mall in downtown Burlington, VT. Dinner was so good I returned several nights later with other teachers after the show ended!

I was rushing a bit so didn’t get the photo quite centered, but with cropping in Photoshop, like this view of the same fixture:

Holding the camera directly under the fixture….

As I told my quilting design students on Saturday/Sunday in class, design ideas are EVERYwhere!

My first class (Thursday) was Tame Fussy, Fiddly Threads.  We were lucky to be in the room with Janome provided machines, all 7700s, and I know at least two of my students went HOME with ones they got at an amazing show special from Bittersweet Fabrics (that owner, Dave Lavallee, and his company gave some AWESOME prizes including machines to at least six lucky youth quilters!).  I always encourage students to cut loose and make their own designs and color combinations with the paints for stencilling their black cloth….

Lovely and delicate coloring on this piece, which she had just begun quilting.

The class teaches how to use the threads so many fear:  metallics, holographic, heavy poly, multicolored.  The trick is getting the correct needle and tension.  I begin class by having students prepare their freezer paper stencil and painting. (PS–the paints used are Jacquard Lumiere textile paints, available at various art quilty places and at online retailers such as art supplier  While the paint sets up, we review the things you need to know, then by late morning (ish) sewing begins!   This time one student decided to make a tree, and her friend and tablemate followed suit:

Trees…with freezer paper stencil still affixed while the paint dries

And in the back, Cricket (LOVE that name, and how totally cool that her parents named her that–it’s not a nickname!) did some spectacular color-work…just love the look and color of these leaves:

Crickets colorful leaves

One interesting thing–she was having some issues with the machine/quilting despite having experience with free-motion quilting.  We changed her seating to something with the seat higher up–closer to correct position (you know how in classes the machines are ALWAYS too high up on the table for the usual classroom chairs?) and presto, problem solved!  So if you are having difficulties controlling your Free-motion quilting, try adjusting the height of your chair (pillows, whatever!).

This student wanted a more airy look to her stencils, not filled in heavily the way I made mine. Love the soft look, and the fun she is having quilting!

I had encouraged students to bring a scrap–that way you can test drive threads and tension and don’t have to pick it out if things are off.  This student used her cut-out leaves as a mask and painted the background…this turned out fabulous.  Here it is in progress:

The sweep of metallic colors on black was FABULOUS!

The 30-wt So Fine (formerly Brytes) from Superior Threads makes an awesome color statement…here she is using the blue.

And remember those trees…here is one later in the day:

Love the way this turned out!

At Show and Tell Saturday night. The gentleman at left is Richard Cleveland, the founder of VQF. Part of show and tell is each teacher gets to go up, and if there are any students there they come up and share their projects. I’m holding my version, and you can see my students to the right, including that wonderful “sweep” of color over the leaves, the “test” piece held by the lady at the far right. GREAT students, fun class!

There was a VERY special moment for me at the Sharing, but I’m going to be evil and make you wait to hear about it!  I had two more classes:  Fine Finishes and Quilting Design.  I was so busy with a full 20 students in a BUSY class that I didn’t take a single (SOB) photo for the Fine Finishes bindings and edge finishes class, but got some great pics of the design class (small but superlative), and some photos of some of my favorite quilts from the show.  More soon!