MQU: Getting rid of the ouch
Friday, June 20th, 2014Editor Kit Robinson asked me, a while back, if I would like to do an article on ergonomics at your sit-down sewing machine, and I jumped at the chance. I’m not a physician, and I start the article by saying that “no one size fits all,” so be sure to check with YOUR health practitioner, but I have learned some things that will make your life easier when you are quilting. I talked about quilting aids in the last issue (which I apparently in my busy-ness forgot to blog about…coming soon! Naughty Sarah!) and in this issue I talk about making your space work for you.
After all, if you are thinking “Ouch” or “oh my aching back and shoulders” you’re not thinking about where your next stitch goes. So that’s what this article is all about!
So for this article, I put on make-up, sucked in my gut, and got hubby to come down and click the shutter after I set up the tripod and lighting for all these photos–so now hubby is published as a photographer! Thanks Paul and Kit for the byline for him! It was much easier than using the timer and me trying to dash and get into position before the shutter tripped. I’ve clearly got pictures of what NOT to do as well as what you should do. Speaking of which, I really should get back to doing those crunches and stretching exercises!
Another big thrill was seeing as I flipped to my article that Brenda Gael Smith had an article on the hanging system used in Australia that has artists putting velcro on the backs of quilts to adhere to the rigid walls used there. Helps the quilts hang beautifully! So then I went to see what all was in the magazine, discovered there is a companion article about the Living Colour Textiles exhibit and one of the quilts included was mine!!!! (and yes, I still need to do that blogpost about dyeing the fabric and making this quilt…too many things to do, not enough time…it will come, I promise!). Anyway, here’s that page–what a delightful, welcome surprise!
Gotta run: today is the last day of Eli’s sophomore year, and it is a busy one. Exam this morning, memorial service for a cross country teammate who died of a brain tumor just days after receiving his diploma (thank heavens the school graduated him, he missed most of the school year); I’m planning on a LOT of kleenex. After that there is a picnic at his house and the runners are going to run his practice course in his honor and memory (and I’m tearing up just thinking about it). Then, finally, the delayed wrestling team potluck and awards. Phew! But we get to sleep in tomorrow. More anon!