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Happy 4th of July

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

Close up of major bursts fireworks

as usual… a bit late and behind the curve…what else is new?

Fireworks..outfieldWell, for our fourth, we celebrated a tad early by going to a Sea Dogs (minor league baseball in Portland, Maine) game on July 3rd because…as my clever hubby figured out…they were having fireworks! And, the weather was actually a lot better on the 3rd than on the 4th.Fireworks..outfield 2

I took my camera, and to my amazement tried the “night scenery” setting without a tripod and (after taking nearly 100 shots and deleting over half) ended up with some decent shots and one or two good ones, and some goofs that were actually pretty cool! Imagine what it would be like if I had taken a tripod (I was too tired, rushed and so on this year, but for sure I’ll do that next year!).

Doesn’t this one look like a neon sculpture?

webp1060606.jpg And I liked this one too:webp1060602.jpg


Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I wanted to thank everyone who has offered condolences.  I will miss my brother, but know that he is a lot more comfortable now than he probably has been in quite a long while.