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Eli’s karate tournament

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Eli competed in a tournament for the first time in Isshinriyu karate, an Okinawan style. He had a fun time visiting with the kids from the Tae Kwon Do school (where he started his martial arts training). He performed his kata (routine) very well … the second time. Alas, when he was almost done, he blanked out and got lost in the routine, so asked to start over. He did, and performed very well. If he had not had the mandatory deduction for starting over, he would have placed first or second! Here is the opening part of his kata:

Eli’s kata 1

The main judge came to me afterwards and said Eli had done very well despite having to re-start. She said that most kids who forget, just totally blow it on the second attempt, and Eli had done even better on the second try than the first. I think that is awesome… that he had the guts to say I forgot, start over, and then do it BETTER. Good on Eli! Here’s another photo from the end of the kata:

Eli’s kata 2

In fighting, he survived three rounds with other kids, despite the fact that he hasn’t sparred with kids in over a year.

Eli sparring

He does practice with the adults in the Isshinriyu dojo, though, and is quite good. Still, I think he would benefit from being around kids more. Eli learns more of the martial arts in the dojo, and because he is so intense and focused, this is a good thing for him. But being able to goof around with kids is good, too! And being fit and strong is best of all!

Happy 25th Anniversary

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Anniv. flowers

This may qualify as a not so small miracle: we hit our 25th wedding anniversary, we are both alive, and neither of us is in jail for homicide! I had absolutely NO idea what to get for Paul: he doesn’t have many hobbies, it is impossible to know what he has read or hasn’t, etc. Kristina, Joshua’s girlfriend, had the best idea of all: a night away with a nice dinner. However, what to do with the kids? Since we’ve had one night alone (which happened at the last minute as both kids had sleepovers the same night) in 14 1/2 years, the likelihood of being able to swing this again was miniscule. So, I opted for dinner. I made reservations at a really nice restaurant in town, and mentioned that it was our 25th, and we hadn’t been out alone to dinner together in 9+ years (no nearby relatives or babysitters, which cost a fortune). Look what the owner did:

Anniversary menu at Francine

He changes the menu daily, so prints up menus every day. He made special ones just for us!

I had the Jerusalem Artichoke soup, and could have been happy with a vat of that and french bread! Paul had the salad minus the crab (he’s allergic), and we both had the scallops. OH MY. Good food is GOOD! And the drink of the day was a passion fruit Mai Tai with sour cherries. Paul ordered one while I decided — so I had a sip of his and ordered one too instead of wine! Good thing I didn’t have to stand up soon LOL!

Anyway, I asked a friend of Eli’s parents if they could field Eli for the evening; Joshua went to Kristina’s (we made sure an adult would be there… they are at the age of needing chaperones LOL…EEEK!), and I alerted Coach Cassidy that it was our 25th and Paul would need to bug out early to shower for dinner. Imagine, a mid-week dinner, in a restaurant, with NO kids!

Paul suprised me with an iPod Classic! Alas, and uncharacteristically, Apple goofed (it is a website glitch it appears) and the engraving on the back…. Sarah Ann Smith Happy 25th Anniversary …. didn’t happen, so we returned the one I got and they are sending out an engraved replacement post haste. After Paul got off the phone with support he said, Gee, they are nice and easy to work with. Yeah… Apple does do customer service right! So it will be here soon, and I will set up my computer with three libraries: one each for me, Joshua and Eli. And I plan on adding my quilts and some podcasts to mine, too! WOOT!

Wrestling season ends–The Way Life Ought to Be

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

It has been a snowy season, with many cancelled meets, but the end has arrived. I’ve got pictures of the regionals (held last weekend), but not the state meet (yesterday) since I was at the karate tournament with Eli. Joshua placed fourth in his weight class in the Eastern half of Maine, despite lackluster performance on the mat (which he acknowledges). But all in all, Joshua did phenomenally well (especially considering he got hit by a car last July), and the Camden team did outstandingly well, too. Here’s one moment early in one of Joshua’s matches:

Joshua’s match

Still, Joshua did well enough that he was able to compete in States! Although he didn’t place there, the mere fact that 8 months ago he was in the hospital receiving his second transfusion after the accident and still on morphine makes it amazing that he has recovered so well! And just six months ago, he had recently given up using crutches and limped even when walking slowly!!!! Like the other 8th graders on the team (most of the team!), he plans on wrestling next year at the highly competitive high school level.

We had a priceless moment early on…. Codi is Joshua’s best friend; this year, his family moved to the neighborning town, so he’s on the HAL (Hope-Appleton-Lincolnville) team. Codi’s younger brother (a year younger) is a great fan of Joshua’s, and he brought this sign… WE LOVED IT!!!!!! CRMS is the Camden-Rockport Middle School, 135 is Joshua’s weight class, and JoshWah is how Joshua signs his name sometimes on his MySpace, with an umlaut over the “o” and “W”….

Nick roots for JoshWah

Here are the boys “waiting” (as boys will–mucking around) for the awards ceremony; that’s Paul in the red sweatshirt on the far right toting a goatskin leather bag he has had since Peace Corps in Niger in the early 70s:

Waiting for the team announcements

And the individual awards… Joshua receives a 4th place finish:

Joshua gets his 4th place medal

And the boys in his weight class…. the winner receives the flow chart of matches showing the 1st place win:

135 weight class winners

Joshua’s best friend Codi, on the HAL team this year, came in second in his weight class and at states came in 4th in the state! WAY TO GO CODI!

Codi is in control

Then…..the team results. Belfast, whose team is a combination of three middle schools in/near Belfast, won. Camden-Rockport came in SECOND in the region! WOOOHOOO! Here the boys are hoisting their trophy to the happiness of one and all:

Camden places SECOND in the region!

Joshua’s girlfriend Kristina came up to regionals with Eli and me. She doesn’t like getting her picture taken, so I snuck this one with the zoom:

J&K from the back

I also got one with her face, but the second shot, when she realized I was taking pictures is so much more typical and kinda funny that I’m posting that one instead:

Joshua and Kristina

And here’s Joshua with his one-man cheering squad, Nick, brother and best friend Codi, Kristina, and Codi’s mom (white shirt) and step dad John (walking towards the group upper left):

Joshua, Kristina, Codi, Nick and family

All in all it was a wonderful season. The boys on the CRMS and HAL teams got to practice together this past week; they’ll all be on the same high school team next year and were cheering each other on at the meet (as long as the opponent wasn’t someone on their own team!). It’s a wonderful thing…. the five towns are all kind of “Us”. It’s good to be from a small town, and it’s good to live in Maine. As the saying goes, Maine is “the way life ought to be!”

Eli is TEN!!!!!

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Egads how time flies. Now, why doesn’t the fat fly away with it? She said, grumbling a bit about still wearing the extra weight munched on during my first trimester with him…..

We are, of course, so proud of our wonderful boys. Eli had a grand 10th birthday at home, even though it was immediately after Mom and I came in from California! It was further complicated by the fact that Joshua had a wrestling meet after school that day, so time was short. But when we finally got home around 8, it was cake time:

Blowing out the candles

And old age is creeping up on him… ten whole candles challenged him LOL!

And presents. … Eli wanted two things: an iPod (the iPod Shuffle from his generous Aunt Joyce died after Eli left it in his pocket and Paul did the laundry; electronics and water don’t play nicely together) and ski stuff. All Camden 4th graders get 3 free ski lessons from the local Snow Bowl (clever folks they are). Of course, now Eli, the kid who hasn’t met a sport he doesn’t want to try, wants ski equipment and a season pass for next year. So…. with generous gifts from Aunt Joyce and Nana, he is on his way to a decent set of used skis, boots and poles (we’ll be at the ski swap meet next November!).

Ski equipment-to-be

And here, from Mom and Dad:


And there was one more thing….. Paul had asked me what I thought of this idea, and I said in about two years, maybe at Christmas… so of course while I was in California, Paul placed the order!

What’s this you ask?

What’s this?

A cell phone for Eli. Fortunately, we have a family plan, so the phone is free and a modest monthly charge in addition–we share 400 minutes a month which is enough for all of us:

cell phone

It will be useful next winter–we can drop Eli off at the Snow Bowl, then when he’s ready to come home he can call (or heaven forfend, if he falls on the slope and needs help). Still… a phone for a ten year old? Remember when we were kids and there was ONE phone for the entire family? And my Aunt Katie, in the boonies of Wyoming, was still on a party line?

Mom’s in Maine

Friday, March 21st, 2008

No, I have NOT fallen off the face of the Earth, though some days I am tired enough to do that! Instead, I’ve gotten mom settled in to her new digs at Quarry Hill. On Wednesday, the moving van arrived a day early, so I’ve been unpacking like a whirling dervish. We are down to the last few boxes in Mom’s place, the rest is safely stored in a storage unit, and today or Monday it will be paintings on the wall!

We survived the trip intact, Mom is settling in, and thought I’d share a few quick pics of mom’s first visit to our house. Of course, the critters had to come meet Mom:

Yeti says hi to Ma

This one is Yeti, the ginormous dog-beast (aka Tibetan Mastiff). When he was about 2 (and as large as he is now) he tried to climb up and sit on mom’s lap when we lived in Friday Harbor, which was hilarious! Fortunately, Mom thought it was funny too, and wasn’t scared! And here, Zeus comes to check out the newcomer:

Zeus and Ma

Next blogpost: Eli is TEN (and how the heck did THAT happen so fast, and why haven’t I lost the pregnancy weight????) and then, I promise, some art. Alas, not mine, but art!