Be Inspired, Part 8–A Ribbon!
Monday, July 27th, 2009Hallelujah, the quilt was done in time to deliver to Maine Quilts last Wednesday. When hubby and I went up on Friday to see the show (hooray! first time ever he has gone with me…of course, given the downpour torrential rain and the crowds inside, I may never get him to another!), I got worried as we worked our way back through the judged section: lots of third place ribbons and honorable mentions, but FEW reds and blues…. meaning tough judging. When I saw my quilt, though, boy did I smile:
Yep, that’s a blue ribbon (one of five in the entire show, and the other four were traditional quilts!) AND a Judges’ Choice from Kathy Kansier (website here). When I went to her classroom to thank her, I learned she is also this year’s Jewel Pearce Patterson scholarship winner for quilt teachers…way to go! Plus, she’s going to have a special exhibit at the Quilt Festival in Houston of her doorways and archways quilts… I’ve been taking pictures of doors and gates and windows for 30 years! Can’t wait to see it…anyway, Thank you, Kathy!
Here’s a picture of me (and yes, I have lost 18 pounds! about 12 more to go….) looking quite happy (thanks to Paul for taking the picture):
And a “neighborhood” shot of the row:
I’ll blog about the show later in the week, and also give some close-up shots of the insane quilting…..