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Archive for the ‘art quilting’ Category

Bloghop-Giveaway: Brenda Gael Smith

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Today launches giveaway two in my holiday bloghop to celebrate the release of my video workshop, Art Quilt Studio from Photo to Threadwork.  Thanks to Brenda Gael Smith of Copacabana on the Central Coast of New South Wales, which is about 60 miles north of Sydney for reviewing my workshop!

NOTE!  Congratulations to Beatrice, comment 17, who wins the free video workshop download!


To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here.

or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here. And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!
Lorikeet Circus by Brenda Gael Smith.   Lorikeets are brightly colored birds from Australia, and I can TOTALLY see them in this piece!

Lorikeet Circus by Brenda Gael Smith. Lorikeets are brightly colored birds from Australia, and I can TOTALLY see them in this piece!

Brenda Gael Smith’s work is filled with glorious color, but unlike me she works  in the abstract.  Having tried (and failed) to work in abstracts, I admire all the more the success of her art; it is surprisingly difficult to achieve good composition, balance, movement, in an abstract, yet she does it time and time again.  She is also a curator of exhibits and a member of the talented and successful Twelve by Twelve group.   Many thanks to Brenda (who by the way is not related–Smith is just a blissfully common name) for finding time in her busy teaching and working schedule to fit in this review!   Her website is here, and her blog review, here,  and her blog in general here.  To find out how to win a digital download which should work anywhere in the world, please visit Brenda’s review, read the instructions on how to enter for today’s giveaway (and you’ll need to read her post carefully!), and enjoy her art!  For the giveaway, remember to leave your comment according to Brenda’s instructions by noon on November 24th (East Coast US time)!

A quick look at the categories in her Gallery section will give you an idea of the range of Brenda’s work:  Art Quilts, Baby Quilts, Celebration Quilts, Traditional Quilts, and her work with the Twelve by Twelve collaboration. In addition to her work as an artist and curator, Brenda teaches, writes, is an attorney, and creates websites!  And–if you browse her blog–you’ll discover that not only is her studio glorious, the view from it is one of the finest in the world–check out this post!

Here’s a sneak peek at her work here, just to whet your appetite.  Brenda dyes her fabrics and includes shibori among her many talents.  I love this “aerial” view of the paths worn by the walking of feet (or is it a view of where roads now replace the traditional routes walked by foot?).  This piece makes me want to go pull out the dye-pots and stitching threads!

Canberra:  Meeting Place by Brenda Gael Smith

Canberra: Meeting Place by Brenda Gael Smith

Brenda’s traditional work is truly traditional, but has also taken on a contemporary twist.  I love this “Modern X” quilt.

The Modern X by Brenda Gael Smith

The Modern X by Brenda Gael Smith

And for those of my readers in the US, Brenda will be travelling to North America in December, so if you would like to order the magazine with the instructions for improvisational piecing with solids and avoid the cost of international postage, check out this blogpost.  Note that you MUST order by Dec. 5 (sooner would be nice) to take advantage of this offer.

In this quilt, Brenda Gael Smith combines abstract art with the traditional.  Lust in the Log Cabin, part of her Desire Lines series.

In this quilt, Brenda Gael Smith combines abstract art with the traditional. Lust in the Log Cabin, part of her Desire Lines series.

Thank you so much, Brenda, for your well-written review.  I cannot tell you how much it thrills me when I can teach not just beginners, but share new tips or tricks with experienced quilters and artists.   Wish I could get to Australia and share that view from your studio and play in one of your shibori classes! So remember, visit Brenda’s blog review, here, and for the giveaway, remember to leave your comment according to Brenda’s instructions by noon on November 24th (East Coast US time)!

Here’s the bloghop schedule:

November 12:     Sarah will kick off Round 2 and announce the schedule
November 14:     Marie Johansen
November 16:     Brenda Gael Smith
November  19:    Jaye Lapachet
November 23:     Susan Brubaker Knapp
November 27:     Daphne Greig
November 30:     Lisa Walton
December 3:     Sarah Ann Smith   right here!

Bloghop-Giveaway: Marie Z. Johansen

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Today is the first giveaway in my second and final bloghop-giveaway to celebrate the release of my Quilting Arts video workshop, Art Quilt Design From Photo to Threadwork, with Fabric Collage and Machine Quilting. My first guest blogger-reviewer is my friend Marie Z. Johansen of Musing Crow Designs. (And yes, I’m going to make you read this post to find out how/where!)

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page !

IN case you just can’t wait, you can order the DVD from me or, to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here. And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies.  We’ll have two or three posts a week from now until the first of December.   Just surf in here regularly to see who is reviewing and how (and where) to leave a comment for a chance to win this workshop.
One of Marie's colorful traditional (!) quilts--I remember when she made this!

One of Marie’s colorful traditional (!) quilts–I remember when she made this!

11-13 afternoon:  Quick alert:   Marie lives on an island, and the underwater cable that has all the island’s internet on it has gone down AGAIN and they are tossed back into the dark ages (like the 1980s before cell phones and internet), so her post is delayed.  I’ll update here when her post goes live, probably this weekend.  The giveaway dates will expand accordingly!

11-15:  Update!  Marie’s post has gone live thanks to a brief return of her internet!   It’s here.

In case you haven’t already found Marie on the internet, I’d love to introduce you to a true Best Friend Forever:  Marie Z. Johansen.   Ya know how sometimes, maybe just a few times in your life, you meet someone and hit it off, and you know that no matter where life takes you, what happens to either of you, you will always be in touch, always be friends.  If you end up, as we have, living on opposite sides of the nation, when you get together it’s as if not a day has passed.  I’m privileged to call Marie my friend.  She’s also an amazing artist, crafter and person!

Marie's digital imagery; the photo is of Mount Baker, and if I recognize that tree on the right, taken at the Anacortes Ferry Landing, probably while waiting for the ride home to the island.

Marie’s digital imagery; the photo is of Mount Baker, and if I recognize that tree on the right, taken at the Anacortes Ferry Landing, probably while waiting for the ride home to the island.

We met when I lived on San Juan Island, probably somewhere around 1999.   Marie is someone who loves all sorts of art, from art quilts, traditional quilts, textiles of all sorts (she once worked at rug conservation), was a pilot, works in mixed media, loves animals and fountain pens, is a FABULOUS photographer, reads voraciously, blogs and journals, well…can you tell why we get along so well?  (We travel together well, too!  Here’s to Houston next year, Mrs. J!) And oh!  She is allergic to some sorts of wool (the itchy kind!), but I didn’t know that when I made her some felted wool slippers on year; guess what–they worked!  That gift (I plead guilty) led to her obsession with knitting, and she has so far surpassed me there!

Marie love tradition with a twist, as in this colorful Baltimore Album style bouquet.

Marie love tradition with a twist, as in this colorful Baltimore Album style bouquet.  Right click to see larger.

Marie blogs about books and writes reviews at Under the Willow Tree.  She sells her jewelry on Etsy (those summer glow earrings are incredible! wish I could wear those colors!) and her felted bags at Musing Crow Designs.  For the felted bags, be sure to SCROLL DOWN, but cover your keyboard to protect it from the drool….

Marie Z Johansen's felted bags, one of a kind, available to custom order here.

Marie Z Johansen’s felted bags, one of a kind, available to custom order here.

As I’ve browsed Marie’s blogs and sales pages, I am reminded what a wonderfully interesting person she is–it comes across loud and clear in her blog.  I think what I love about her blog is you NEVER know what’s going to turn up!  She reviews books and products (from pens to quilt tools to whatever!), muses about life, and is generally just someone you want to know!   So please surf over to Marie’s blog to read about her review of my video workshop and find out how to enter the giveaway for a DVD copy of my workshop.

PS:  San Juan Island, Wash., where Marie lives, has had an incredible flash back to the 1980s, with long distance telephone, cell phones and internet out intermittently (and all day for a number of days) of the past 10 days due to a problem with an underwater cable to the island.  If you can’t reach her blog on the first try or the post isn’t there, please be patient and pop back in later.  She’s got the post ready, but may have connectivity issues that are out of her control.  Murphy’s Law, eh?


The Holiday Bloghop and Giveaway!

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Hi all!   Guess what?  The first bloghop and giveaway was so much fun, I’m doing another with the help of some internet friends!   The schedule this time will be a bit flexible due to travel for Lisa, an extended internet outage for Marie, and U.S. Thanksgiving in late November.  On the appointed day, I’ll post a bit about each of these wonderful, creative women, and they’ll do a quick review of my video workshop, Art Quilt Design:  From Photo to Threadwork with Fusible Applique and Machine Quilting.

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here.

You can also order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here. And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

Here’s a tentative schedule:

Thanks to Quilting Arts/Interweave for donating review copies as well as some DVDs and downloads.   For the three reviews done outside the US (Brenda in Australia, Daphne in Canada and Lisa in Australia), they’ll be offering a free high def download.  The three reviewers in the US will offer a DVD to be mailed (by me).  And for the Grand Finale I’ll do the same as I did last time:  anyone around the world is free to join in, but I might ask for a bit of help on postage if the winner is outside the US.

In between all this fun, I’ll continue to share the fun I had in Houston and blogging about what I’m up to now that this year’s teaching is done!

International Quilt Festival, Houston, 1 of many posts!

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

Well it has been a very busy couple of weeks, both at Festival and re-entry coming home.  I sold out of ALL the books and DVDs I had for sale in Houston, so spent my first day home unpacking, my second day home filling orders and getting them shipped out, and then dealing with all the accumulated “stuff” in my email inbox, laundry, groceries and the usual nonsense!   Finally I’m at a point where I could process photos for the blog, so will have LOTS to share with you!  I think I’ll start with some eye candy (photos of quilts!) then go more or less in chronological order.  And interspersed with the Festival posts I’ll start the second/final Bloghop and Giveaway for my Art Quilt Design:  From Photo to Threadwork DVD on the 12th!

On Preview Night, Wednesday, I did a quick run-through on the floor to find my quilts and see what I could, as I new I would be busy until Sunday, by which time I would be TIRED.  Here I am doing a Vanna White with my Tomatoes, Basil and Garlic, which was in the Juried Show.

On Preview Night, Wednesday, I did a quick run-through on the floor to find my quilts and see what I could, as I knew I would be busy until Sunday, by which time I would be TIRED. Here I am doing a Vanna White with my Tomatoes, Basil and Garlic, which was in the Juried Show.

Then I went to find my quilt, Listen to the Song in the Night, in the Dinner@8 exhibit “An Exquisite Moment.”  I had been worried because it is a fairly dark quilt and would be displayed on black (you can see in the photo above how the dark background on my quilt disappears into the drape!).  I was relieved that it looked good!

This photo was taken on Friday (I can tell because I'm wearing the Sarah-teaches-applique-vest, and that class was Friday!), but I was pleased to see the quilt looking good!

This photo was taken on Friday (I can tell because I’m wearing the Sarah-teaches-applique-vest, and that class was Friday!), but I was pleased to see the quilt looking good!

I’ll confess, I TOTALLY love taking pictures of people taking pictures of my quilts!  What a rush that someone likes my work enough to want to take a picture!

Love it when someone likes my quilts enough to snap a photo!

Love it when someone likes my quilts enough to snap a photo! (I’m thinking that might be Ann R. from Brunswick, Maine, whom I met a couple days later?  Ann, is that you?)

While doing the kamikaze run through the quilts on Preview, I snapped some pictures of quilts that really sang to me, not wanting to risk missing these when I finally had my day off (Sunday) to see the show.

Betty Busby's Desert Fox is one I returned to several times.  I'll share more pictures in a future post.

Betty Busby’s Desert Fox is one I returned to several times. I’ll share more pictures in a future post.

And here's the signage from the show about the quilt above.

And here’s the signage from the show about the quilt above.


Jocelyn Leath's Seasonal View was amazing...fabulous quilting, color, line.

Jocelyne Leath’s Seasonal Flow was amazing…fabulous quilting, color, line.

The signage for the quilt above

The signage for the quilt above

Detail of Seasonal Flow by Jocelyne Leath.  Gorgeous!

Detail of Seasonal Flow by Jocelyne Leath. Gorgeous!

A few of the Silent Auction quilts, including my little green one.

A few of the Silent Auction quilts, including my little green one.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I apparently (!!!) forgot to take a photo of my little quilt before it left the house.  Thankfully someone bid on it, but don't know whom to thank yet!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I apparently (!!!) forgot to take a photo of my little quilt before it left the house. Thankfully someone bid on it, but don’t know whom to thank yet!

Down at the far end (hall A), was an exhibit inspired by maps, and of course I LOVE maps!   This quilt was just “the bee’s knees.”  LOVE IT!

It's the Journey by Patricia Chanty, in the Maps exhibit.

It’s the Journey by Patricia Chanty, in the Maps exhibit.

And the signage:

The sign for the Maps quilt, above.

The sign for the Maps quilt, above.

And talk about a stop-you-in-your-tracks quilt, Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr:

Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

Signage for Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

Signage for Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

Detail, Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

Detail, Moonglow Anemone 2 by Carla Stehr

I’ll be back soon with more pics!   Glad to be HOME, had a glorious time at Festival, and look forward to next year.













DVD Video Clip

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

For those who haven’t seen it yet, I thought I’d share the Quilting Arts / Interweave preview of my DVD workshop, Art Quilt Design From Photo to Threadwork:

You can order it from me, here, or a dvd or download directly from the Interweave Store, here.