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Archive for the ‘art quilting’ Category

The Grand Prize Winner is 27! Nancy!

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Hullo out there!  Just popped numbers 1-36 into the random number generator at

The winner is 27!

The winner is 27!

27 is the Grand Prize winner, and my list of comments tells me that it is Nancy! Nancy, please get in touch and we’ll work out shipping!

Thank you to Quilting Arts/Interweave, Mistyfuse and Havel’s for donating prizes, thank you to my intrepid bloggers and reviewers for making this SO much fun, and thank you to all of you who read my blog and those who participated!

And (sorry, but I must do this…) if you didn’t win, you can still order from me or download/order from Quilting Arts / Interweave.

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page or  order either the DVD or a digital download at Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store.

Now..ONWARD to the Holidays!


Bloghop-Giveaway-Lisa Walton’s winner

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

The winner of the video download from Lisa Walton’s portion of the bloghop is Jodie A, comment number 9 (thank you to for providing the online random number generator between 1 and 17).  THANK YOU!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here.

Make sure to enter the final Grand Finale Bloghop and Giveaway, here.  The drawing will be December 10th.  That’s SOON!

Bloghop-Giveaway Grand Holiday Finale!

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

We’re celebrating the release of my video workshop with one final GRAND finale including this DVD and the loot below!

WOW!  What a wonderful tour of art and the world we’ve been on with both the September/October and November/December bloghops and giveaways!  Thank you so much to Quilting Arts and Interweave for sponsoring this with DVDs and downloads, Mistyfuse for their wonderful products that I use to make my art, and Havel‘s for great scissors.  And ENORMOUS thank yous to my intrepid reviewers who helped make this bloghop possible:  Jamie, Deborah, Vicki, Leslie, Terry, Gloria, Diane, Marie, Brenda, Jaye, Susan, Daphne and Lisa:  THANK YOU!

The December Grand Prize Giveaway includes Two packages of Mistyfuse, a package of Transdoodle (all thanks to Mistyfuse), a Bag of scissors, snips and seam ripper from Havel's PLUS non-stick scissors, the October issue of Quilting Arts with my article on What a Difference a Background Makes, and the 2010-11 Quilting Arts Gifts issue with my project and many other still wonderful gift ideas!

The December Grand Prize Giveaway includes Two packages of Mistyfuse, a package of Transdoodle (all thanks to Mistyfuse), a Bag of scissors, snips and seam ripper from Havel’s PLUS non-stick scissors, the October issue of Quilting Arts with my article on What a Difference a Background Makes, and the 2010-11 Quilting Arts Gifts issue with my project and many other still wonderful gift ideas!

Yep–if you would like a chance to win

  • A copy of the DVD!
  • A selection of products from MistyFuse! I show you how I use these products in the Video workshop.
  • A huge donation from Havel’s Scissors including a generous giftbag that includes long scissors, short scissors, snips, seam ripper, AND the non-stick scissors too!
  • And a copy of Quilting Arts Gifts magazine from 2010-11, with a project by me! and a copy of the October Quilting Arts magazine with my article on what a difference the background Makes.

all in time for a nice long winter (or summer depending on your location in the world), here’s what you need to know and do:

  • Leave me a comment and tell me something about the bloghopper-reviewer  whose work most influenced you in this bloghop–the work of one of the reviewers.  I’ll include links to all their blogs at the end of this post.
  • On December 10th, I’ll select a winner. Please leave comments by 8 a.m. East Coast US time.
  • I will pay flat rate shipping within the US.  If you live outside the US, you may enter IF you are willing to help me with the added cost of shipping outside the US. (Probably between $10-15)

So let the fun begin!   Comment away, and return to visit one of these fine artists (or ALL OF THEM!) and enjoy their art and thank them for participating.

And remember, you can always order the DVD from me (here) or a download or DVD directly from Quilting Arts/Interweave, here.

Jamie, Deborah, Vicki, Leslie, Terry, Gloria, Diane, Marie, Brenda, Jaye, Susan, Daphne and Lisa:  THANK YOU!

Jamie Fingal
Deborah Boschert
Vicki Welsh
Leslie Jenison
Terry Grant
Gloria Hansen
Diane Perin Hock
Marie Johansen
Brenda Gael Smith
Jaye Lapachet
Susan Brubaker Knapp
Daphne Greig
Lisa Walton

Lisa Walton heads to Orvieto and Facebook!

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

A quick addition to my bloghop-giveaway post featuring my friend Lisa Walton of Sydney, Australia.  Remember I mentioned she made fabulous stenciled /painted quilts…she sent me a jpeg of my favorite:  Orvieto Memories, inspired by a teaching tour she led to Italy.

Lisa Walton's Orvieto Memories

Lisa Walton’s Orvieto Memories

Also, you can find Lisa on Facebook, here.  This is her Dyed and Gone to Heaven Page, and she’s really close to TWO THOUSAND LIKES!   Let’s help her get there, so go visit and LIKE her page!  Enjoy surfing.

Bloghop-Giveaway: Lisa Walton

Friday, November 29th, 2013

This drawing is now closed!  The winner is  comment 9, Jodie A!   Congratulations!

One of the joys of the internet is making friends around the world!   I’ve even “seen” Lisa’s studio and hubby thanks to the wonder of Skype!  Today I’d like you to meet Lisa Walton from Sydney, Australia.   Her passion for dyeing fabric and art quilts has turned into a wonderful business, Dyed and Gone to Heaven, and career as international teacher (tutor in Australian), author, and artist.  She fell in love with beads and then with surface design, and you can see all of these skills in her work.   Lisa has reviewed  my DVD workshop on her blog, Fibre Inspirations.  Yep, this video again:

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

My video workshop.

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here.  And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

Lisa is the author of a new book that features her hand-dyed fabrics (which by the way you can order, and postage and travel-time from Australia to the US are not too bad!), but you can easily make these fun and fast quilts–and gorgeous too–using batiks and other commercial fabrics:

Beautiful Building Block Quilts by Lisa Walton.  Order from her, here.

Beautiful Building Block Quilts by Lisa Walton. Order from her, here.

I frequently think I need to loosen up, and Lisa’s book has me hankering to try one of the Building Block Quilts.  I’m also seriously in love with some of Lisa’s stencilled quilts, a technique she teaches!  She sells ArtistCellar stencils, too.  I think I may see a small splurge in my future!

Many of you may recognize Bushfire, which Lisa made with Nic Bridges, as it was on the cover of the AQS books catalog one season!

Bushfire by Lisa Walton and Nic Bridges

Bushfire by Lisa Walton and Nic Bridges

Then there is this beauty–don’t you want to just go dye fabric and then PLAY?

Crystallisation by Lisa Walton

Crystallisation by Lisa Walton

One of these days I hope I get to Australia, then I can visit Lisa and Peter at home, and they can tell me all the fabulous places to eat–Lisa’s FaceBook photos of her meals around the world are enticing!

Thank you so much, Lisa, for taking time from a VERY busy season to watch and review my workshop!

Please visit Lisa’s blog to learn how to leave a comment and a chance to win a download version of my video workshop, Art Quilt Designs From Photo to Threadwork!

And before I close this post, I have to share Fields of Gold, a quilt made with a gift from Lisa of her fabric.  The yard ranged from rust to gold to green….it is Lisa’s fabric that TOTALLY made this quilt work!

Fields of Gold by Sarah Smith, made with fabric by Lisa Walton.  This quilt went missing when a private exhibit curator lost it in autumn 2011.

Fields of Gold by Sarah Smith, made with fabric by Lisa Walton. This quilt went missing when a private exhibit curator lost it in autumn 2011.