Hi all: the best news first: you can now sign up for this class in its 2016 version at Ricky’s new website https://www.photoclassforyou.com/
Anyway, for about the past half the year, I’ve been sharing each week’s lesson results with you here on my blog. My photography education this year began this way:
In December of last year, I saw Ricky’s post on Facebook announcing a photography challenge for 2015. I promptly signed up, knowing that I needed the push to learn more about my DSLR and really USE it, since it is heavier and more complicated than my Panasonic SuperZoom. I’ve always loved photography, and the class also included learning to use Photoshop (PS). I was a bit leery, since PS used to cost a fortune–like $300+. But now Adobe sells it as a subscription of $10.54 per month with a free trial month (or is it two?). So I figured over three years that cost equals each edition of PS but in manageable monthly payments. Now that I have used it, I wouldn’t be without it.
One of my better recent shots. Right click to see larger. These mushrooms/toadstools in the yard are HUGE—at least 6 inches across when opened. They seem to scream “ do NOT eat me!” Smart sharpen, slight adjust to brighten.
Now you can sign up for NEXT year [2016 R. Tims photo challenge part 1 sign up and info] to take a similar version of this course (Ricky has re-formatted it from 52 weeks in one swoop into a 26 week and two 13 week segments). He asked for blurbs, I was happy to provide, and I’m so pleased he included my testimonial on his new website for teaching photography.
Right click to see larger. Here’s that hotlink again to take you to the page pictured above.
Your photography skills—composition, knowing your camera, and processing—will grow exponentially over the course. Best of all, each lesson’s scope is a do-able “bite-size.” If you have more time, you can go deeper, learning from fellow students’ work. Recently, I took my son’s Senior (HS) portrait and the comments were “looks professional!” That’s thanks to how much I have learned this year.
Here are a couple more of my recent photos that I think represent what I’ve learned.
More autumn decay with blueberry barrens, decaying stone wall and birches in autumn in Maine.
The usual edits: smart sharpen, tiny bit of vibrance, crunching levels.
Eli’s choice for his yearbook photo. They also do something utterly cool…see next photo….