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Archive for the ‘Dyeing’ Category

Origami Cranes

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

When working on my journal quilt for this year (which I can’t share until Festival opens at the end of this month), I wanted to try thermofax screens. While making some practice passes with the paint and screen, I made some extra cranes, which I have worked into these two pieces, Cloud Crane and Flying Crane.

Cloud crane full

This first one is Cloud Crane, the larger of the two pieces (and alas, the piece of paper with the exact measurements has gone walkabout; I think it is 13×16), is a quilted piece stitched to commercial batik over stretcher bars. The quiltlet is made of a single piece of cloth on which I screened both the origami crane (drawn by me, converted into a thermofax screen, then printed) and the background (which is actually a design made using a small white onion cut vertically as my “stamp”). It is quilted with gold metallic thread and a very fine, subtle polyester for the background. A slender gold yarn is couched to the edge of the quiltlet.

Cloud crane detail

Flying Crane is a single golden crane screened onto my hand-dyed fabric, quilted, edged in a satin stitch of gold metallic thread and mounted on a coordinating hand-dyed fabric (also made by me). This piece is overall 8×10 inches, with the crane quiltlet about 4×6 inches.

Flying Crane full

Here’s a detail photo:

Flying Crane detail

The Flying Crane is $65, the Cloud Crane is $135; shipping is additional and depends on your location.

A little gloat!

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

First off, happy Bastille Day (France’s National Day) to one and all. Now, to our regularly scheduled blogging:

… Oooh boy, has it been a good week! Earlier this week I received in the mail my very first EVER paycheck for writing something: an article for a major quilting magazine! I will be able to tell you more about that in about 2 weeks. Then, yesterday (so much for Friday the 13th…hah! It is good luck Friday this time!), I got another check, this one for two projects that will be in a Lark Books publication that will come out in May 2008! I’ll share more about that next spring when we get publicity stuff, but to say that I am chuffed (to borrow some Aussie-speak, I just love that word) is a major understatement.

The funds are earmarked for paying for a five-day workshop with Carol Soderlund at ProChem, in Fall Rivers, Massachusetts. Long-time readers (thank you!) may remember that I took a 5-day intro dyeing class there with her last summer. Well, I get to take Week 2 this October, and I can’t wait. I haven’t done much dyeing since then (like one yard only!), but will do about 50 t-shirts this coming week and a bunch more in September. And I can say that if you EVER want to learn to dye fabric, take Carol’s class. She earns rave reviews from EVERYone for a reason, and your “color bible” is indeed one of those “grab when the house is on fire” items!

Been working madly on the book….. here is a wicked little tease, a photo to illustrate applique and reverse applique:


and another bit of a tease, since I won’t even tell you what it’s for!

Pineapple corner