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The Godspeed, 3

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

Here are the final set of photos...can you tell I was totally enchanted with this? Better yet, about 16 months ago, I arranged a field trip for a cub scout den to visit the ship when they were first building it. I can’t find any digital photos, so I’ll look for some film prints and see if I can scan them. When we saw the ship, it was a keel, ribs, a little bit of the exterior siding, the rafters (which were also the joists for the deck), and some plywood and planks where the deck would be! What a change!

Here are some photos of the tackle and the masts:

The Godspeed, 4

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

Here are the final photos for today….the last few feet of the land journey, masts and tackle.

The final photo is from the “town” side of the bridge, looking back at the Marina park. The Godspeed is in the parking area–look where the water zigs to the right…the Godspeed is the brown/tan thing just left of the trees. In the middle ground, you can see a ramp down to a narrow channel. The Godspeed will be launched by movoing the trailer onto the boat ramp (at high tide!), and one inch at a time, making that VERY tight turn and sailing into the harbor.

The total bummer news is that the ship will be launched next Saturday—at the same time as Joshua’s Regionals Wrestling Meet in Belfast (40 minutes from the harbor)…sigh……. Hope they don’t sail out of the harbor that evening, because I want to see her afloat in Rockport!

So how do I pick color?

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

After all these “lessons,” someone might ask how I usually pick colors for my quilts. Usually, the idea for the quilt pops into my head, and usually the colors are fairly clear from the start. A rare exception was Circular Paradox, which began with a notion for a deep, space-dark blue background, a leftover nautilus shell from another quilt, and some of my brighter hand-dyes, but nothing more specific. In that case, I grabbed colors, laid them on top of the fabric I had selected for the background and then chose what worked best. The arrangement of colors, however, was deliberate…sprinkling warm next to cool, keeping a balance and, now that I look at it, a diagonal progression of warm colors from top-left to lower-right.

I’ve also been on an autumn kick for a couple of years—I love autumn colors, but with my skin tone, I can’t wear them at all. But my best friend is a gorgeous redhead, and she loves and wears these colors well. In playing and quilting and working together, dyeing fabric together, we’ve managed to cross-pollinate our color sensibilities, and now she’s using my teals, and I’m using her russets and oranges! (Gee….ya think we get along so well because we’re complementary ….ooooh bad pun, ducking and please don’t throw rotten oranges–grin!)

In cases where I’m taking my cues from nature, the pallette is set for me, I just have to look and read it and interpret it in fabric.

I finished “What Secrets Does the Forest Hold” (quilt below) this spring, inspired by the announcement last year that after more than 60 years, they have confirmed that the ivory-billed woodpecker, believed extinct, is still alive in the swamps of Arkansas! I dyed the background fabric specifically for this piece, a murky, swamp green. When I get a better camera, I’ll take another picture, because I really wish you could see the quilting in the background / green: more of the trees in the swamp-forest, and a silhouette of an ivory-billed in flight.

An older quilt, of Casablanca Lilies, has a background of cloth painted with thinned Setacolor paints. But it is thereddish- russet stamens (you know that stuff that stains your clothes?) that contrast so strongly with the green that pops in this quilt.

And that’s plenty for now. Next, I’ll talk about how I use the color wheel when I get “stuck.”


Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

Minou…tried to reply off-blog, but it got bounced…see the comment after Color Study 10…thanks for writing!

For everyone….I try to reply to each comment, because I so appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog. If for any reason you don’t hear from me, it’s probably because something went astray in the ether……

Cheers, Sarah

Maine Sunset

Wednesday, March 1st, 2006

Hi all….still fighting that cold, so just a beauty break tonight. The past two days we’ve had SPECTACULAR sunsets! Since I was feeling horrid (my cold has, as usual, morphed into a sinus infection), I convinced Joshua to run outside and take pictures.

Instead of quilting today, or working on my blog or anything else remotely fun, I did data-entry for my business /bookkeeping for the past 8 months (UGH…although you can tell that I have put the SMALL back in small business if I can enter all my expenses in one day! and a day when I’m sub-par to begin with!). So tomorrow, I’m hoping to have one last installment in this section of color studies.

OK…I CAN make this color related…..what color scheme is that sunset up above? Triadic/Primary —pink (a pale red) and yellow and pale blue!!! And below…the close up? How about analogous, running from blue to red-violet? Who cares…Mother Nature does it best.