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Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #3

Saturday, April 21st, 2007

Children’s Chapel, also known as Vesper Chapel, is in Rockport on the small peninsula that separates Camden Harbor from Rockport Harbor. I drafted a pattern of this chapel which is a favorite for summer weddings. I could probably hold maybe 40-50 people if you really crammed folks in, and is on a steep hill that overlooks Penobscot Bay, the islands in the bay, and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. Roxanne Wells, our co-president extraordinaire this past year-plus, is a wonderful quilter who loves color as much as I do, and she volunteered to take on this tricky block:

Gail Galloway-Nicholson, who made the Belties Block, also generously offered to help with the center panel of the quilt. I prepared the background (easy peasy and fast), and Gail created her own patterns for the archetypal New England steepled Church (we have at least four in the village–the Baptist, the First Congregational, the Catholic and the former Methodist churches, and then the Episcopal Church in stone next to the Baptist church, plus a few more…lotsa churches for a town of 6000!) and the two Belties, who are placed on the coastline right where Aldemere Farms is. Aldemere is part of the coastal trust…there is this amazing network of land conservancies that has preserved and protected open spaces and coastline here in Maine. We are lucky!

Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #2

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Here are the next two blocks in the Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner quilt. Susan Coe is new to quilting, but has done a lot of scrapbooking and art-y things, so did two blocks–both her own designs–yeah! Her first is this photo transfer of lobster buoys; as a coastal community, we have our share of lobstermen here, and Rockland is home to the annual Lobster Festival. It is hard and dangerous work, and makes me appreciate the delectable food even more.

Patty Courtney is a new to this type of quilting, but using my sketch of Cappy’s Chowder House, a local restaurant and landmark in “downtown (all two blocks of it) Camden” shows she is quite skilled at other things!!! She didn’t know how to do applique, so I’m going to fuse up and stitch her block, then she will add beads to the hanging flower basket (they line the town in summer…wonderful). She is co-owner of Towne Motel two short blocks from downtown, so if you ever need a place to stay, hint hint!

Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #1

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

The past two months or so have been frustrating, as I’ve been hard at work, but can’t share what I’ve been doing for the most part! I’ve sent off to a magazine two articles, and once they are accepted, I hope I can tell you a little bit more–currently they are scheduled for publication in late summer /early fall. And, like Deborah (click here for her blog), I’ve been working on two projects for Lark Books. As well, I’ve designed and done some of the work on a quilt for my local quilt guild chapter–keep reading and see the first two blocks!

For those of you not fortunate to live in Maine, we have a state-wide guild, the Pine Tree Quilt Guild. It has MANY chapters, including Coastal Quilters based in the Camden, Rockport and Lincolnville area, though we have members also from Belfast, Rockland, South Thomaston, and other towns in the Camden Hills region. At a chapter board meeting last year, Gail Galloway Nicholson suggested we should, like so many other chapters, have a “Chapter Banner.” And she looked in my direction when she asked if anyone would like to design and organize one. Always eager to do my favorite part–the designing–I jumped at the chance! I designed the overall quilt and many of the blocks and components, and will quilt the whole shebang, but will note when someone has designed their own blocks.

To see the whole thing, I’m going to make you wait (yes, I know, I ‘m wicked!). But today I’ll share the first two blocks (going in rough alphabetical order): the celebrated Belted Galloways (a rare breed of cattle which are also found on San Juan Island, where I used to live! and known as the “oreo cookie” cows for obvious reasons) of Aldemere Farms in Rockport. This fine soul was made by Gail (who, as a Galloway, put in her “dibs” on the belties, and as an artist made her own pattern…yeah!):

And the Bear’s Paw block made by Nancy Connon. Maine has its Black Bears (and Gifford’s ice cream makes a wicked Black Bear ice cream that is a vanilla base with blackberries and chocolate), and one day about 2 winters ago, when I visited the now-closed Quilters’ Cottage Shop here in Camden, there were Bear’s Paws tracks in the snow in the front yard! We figured the bear awoke in winter and went foraging at the dump, which is just a stone’s throw up the road.

I am THRILLED with the contributions. Everyone has clearly put forth their best effort, from the most beginning of beginners to the expert. I’m so proud of everyone! I can’t wait to assemble the quilt and quilt it. It will, I think, debut at the Maine Quilts show this July in Augusta…hooray!

And one note: if you are interested in making rugs, check Kathy Daniels’ blog, a Studio in the Woods. She has a kit with pattern and all the wool just for the asking, and a photo when it is done. I believe it is punched and sheared…there are more details if you click on the link in the first sentence or in the sidebar at right. Thanks!

Learning Magic

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Feeling a bit under the weather today, but will share this… hopefully more by the weekend…

On the Dyers’ List (link below), an e-list about dyeing (wool, cotton, silk, cloth, fibers, etc) that stays rigorously on topic thanks to listmom Pat, one of the regulars–Ann–shared a comment Caryl Bryer Fallert made in a class she took with her some years ago: “Her [Caryl’s] statement was, there is nothing special in anything that I do, you can learn any of it — it all comes down to you, YOU provide the Magic.”

…what a gem of a comment! For years I have been telling folks that ANYONE can do what I do, which I amended to Anyone can do what I do if they are willing to devote the time and effort to get there. But I really, REALLY like the idea that the individual provides the magic…..

I still believe that ANYONE *can* provide the magic because I guess I believe that the magic is creativity, which can be encouraged by practice…. it’s learning to recognize the opportunity or the idea when it presents itself…..

For more on the Dyers’ List, click on this link
to subscribe.

Cheers, Sarah

Playing with Photo Booth

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

One of the cool things on my Mac laptop is the “Photobooth” feature. It uses the built-in camera (!!!) to take pictures of you like in an old fashioned photo booth. Since I never have pictures of me with the kids (since I’m always the one behind the lens), I eagerly agreed when Joshua asked me to open up Photobooth (the school-issued laptops here in Maine don’t have this software … expect the kids would play endlessly with it instead of doing schoolwork).

So, we took these photos, and used the special effects (obviously!):